Which man discovered America?
Christopher Columbus
Where was Martin Luther From
This event means the rebirth?
Nickname Black Death
bubonic Plague
Name the religion that wanted to purify the catholic church
Which man led the Mongols
Ghengis Khan
Mandate of Heaven is used in which country?
Scientific Revolution
Mongol warriors were skilled with this weapon
Bow and Arrow
This woman died and did not have an heir to pass the thrown to so she passed it to her cousin James
Elizabeth 1
Which man had 6 wives
King Henry 8th
Which colony did the French lose under Napolean?
The Third estate was responsible for this event?
French Revolution
Device responsible for transmission of Religions
Printing Press
Which country funded Columbus voyage
Which man translated the bible to English
King James
Where did Oliver Cromwell attack after the English Civil War?
Mary and William of orange are apart of this event
Glorious Revolution
The burning of Heretics and witches
What does circumnavigate mean
To travel around the world
Which man led the French after the killing of Louis 16th?
Maximillien Robspierre
Where did Napoleon get exiled to the last time?
St. Helena
This event is responsible for people and plants moving from the old world to the new world
Columbian Exchange
The summons of Martin Luther by Pope Leo
Diet of Worms
Which man led the haitan revolution
Touissant Louverture