Complete this MATS reference:
If a call sign includes the ___________, use the _______________________.
If a call sign includes the aircraft's registration, use the phonetic alphabet for that aircraft registration.
Complete the MATS reference:
Include the wake category suffixes...
Include the wake category suffixes HEAVY or SUPER as appropriate in the initial contact. After communication is established, you may omit these terms.
Complete the MATS reference:
Keep aircraft informed of pertinent...
Keep aircraft informed of pertinent traffic. Provide position information and traffic information to all concerned aircraft to assist them in establishing visual separation.
Complete the MATS reference:
Do not issue conditional instructions or...
Do not issue conditional instructions or instructions that depend on the movement of an aircraft.
> Examples of conditional taxi instructions NOT to be used include:
You may assist a controller responsible for a position, provided one of the following conditions is met:
- The responsible controller asks for assistance and specifies the assistance required.
- You inform the responsible controller of the assistance you will be providing and receive approval.
Complete the MATS (including push-pin):
For medical evacuation flights, include...
For medical evacuation flights, include the priority suffix "MEDEVAC" in all communications.
> Unless specifically requested by the pilot, HOSP-identified aircraft do not normally receive priority.
Complete the MATS reference (include push-pin and phraseology):
If necessary, inform taxiing aircraft that a portion of the manoeuvring area is...If necessary, inform taxiing aircraft that a portion of the manoeuvring area is not visible from the tower, and, if possible, provide traffic and obstruction information.
"(aircraft id) (area) NOT VISIBLE, TAXI AT YOUR DISCRETION VIA (taxiway id), TRAFFIC (description)."
> Restricted visibility of the manoeuvring area may be the result of a physical obstruction other than weather phenomena.
Do not issue instructions that permit the unrestricted movement of...
Complete the MATS reference:
Do not issue instructions that permit the unrestricted movement of ground traffic on a controlled manoeuvring area, although, you may instruct ground traffic to operate on a single runway and specific taxiways.
> Instructions that permit unrestricted movement of ground traffic, which cannot be used, include PROCEED ONTO THE FIELD, PROCEED UNRESTRICTED, PROCEED ALL MANOEUVRING AREAS, PROCEED FULL LENGTH, and PROCEED AS REQUESTED.
Do not vacate an assigned operating position unless both of the following occur:
- You are relieved by a person qualified to assume responsibility for that position.
- You follow unit directives for the transfer of position responsibility.
If a pilot requests a pushback on the apron, and traffic and workload permit, do the following:
- Inform the pilot that the pushback is at the pilot's discretion.
- Provide traffic information if required.
"(aircraft id) [traffic information], PUSH BACK AT YOUR DISCRETION."
There are two ways to complete the pushback manoeuvre:
- A push-back with a specialized vehicle (tractor or mule) that pushes the aircraft from the front landing gear.
- A power-back, which uses energy from the aircraft's engines to reverse. This manoeuvre uses an engine thrust, which can be dangerous for nearby aircraft and vehicles.
Complete the MATS reference (and phraseology):
Movement of aircraft on the apron or non-manoeuvring...
Movement of aircraft on the apron or non-manoeuvring area is the responsibility of the pilot, the airport operator, or the airport controller.
If workload permits, provide traffic and obstruction information to pilots of aircraft taxiing on aprons or non-manoeuvring areas.
"(aircraft id) [TAXI AT YOUR DISCRETION], [traffic and obstruction information]."
As per Aviation Occurrence Reporting (AOR) Procedures, define Runway Incursion.
Any occurrence at an aerodrome where NAV CANADA services are provided involving the incorrect presence of an aircraft, vehicle, or person within the protected area of a surface designated for the landing and takeoff of aircraft.
When being relieved from your operating position:
- Provide a verbal briefing to the relieving controller using the position transfer checklist.
- If the communication system permits, record the verbal briefing.
- Remain with the relieving controller for monitoring purposes. During this time, reinforce the position relief briefing and help the relieving controller become familiar with the position.
- When combining a position, perform the post-relief overlap procedures at the position where the operation was combined.
TC AIM RAC 4.2.4 - Requests for Push-back or Power-back - Complete the reference:
Since controllers may not be in a position to see all obstructions and aircraft may...
Since controllers may not be in a position to see all obstructions and aircraft may encounter during push-back or power-back, clearance for this manoeuvre will not be issued by the tower. Pilots are cautioned that it is their responsibility to ensure that push-back or power-back can be accomplished safely prior to initiating aircraft movement.
Using the term STAND BY or suggesting an aircraft hold position does not stop the aircraft from...
Using the term STAND BY or suggesting an aircraft hold position does not stop the aircraft from pushing back. In most cases, however, the pilot will wait for further information.
If unable to accommodate a pushback request due to traffic or workload, do one of the following:
- Inform the pilot to stand by and provide a reason if one is available.
- Suggest the pilot to hold position and provide a reason.
Briefly describe a High-Speed Run.
A high-speed run is a mechanical performance test done after maintenance on an aircraft or a prototype. The aircraft is positions at the runway threshold, and travels at high speed. It usually goes the full length of the runway.
High-speed runs can be controlled by the ground controller or the airport controller, depending on which is the most relevant.
A. Air Traffic Services Deviations (AD)...
B. Pilot Deviations (PD)...
C. Vehicle or Pedestrian Deviations (VPD)...
A. Air Traffic Services Deviations (AD) which are situations that occur where air traffic services are being provided, and when the preliminary investigation indicates that safety may have been jeopardized, less than minimum separation may have existed, or both.
B. Pilot Deviations (PD) which are situations that occur where actions of a pilot result in non-compliance with an ATC instruction/clearance or a violation of the Canadian Aviation Regulations.
C. Vehicle or Pedestrian Deviations (VPD) which are situations that occur when a vehicle operator, a non-pilot operator of an aircraft, or a pedestrian proceed without authorizing onto the protected area of a surface designated for landing or taking-off.
Before assuming responsibility for any operating position:
- Be able to produce your valid Aviation Document Booklet (ADB) or equivalent.
- Ensure that licensing and proficiency requirements are met.
- Sign in as required in unit procedures.
- Read and acknowledge all mandatory information, as determined by the unit manager.
- Review appropriate operational information, for example, NOTAMs, aerodrome conditions, equipment status, and weather information.
Complete the MATS reference:
Civil Air Search and Rescue Associations
Although these flights participate in SAR missions organized by the Department of National Defence...
Civil Air Search and Rescue Associations
Although these flights participate in SAR missions organized by the Department of National Defence (and may use designators or flight numbers assigned by DND), they must still adhere to the CARs and ATC clearances and instructions. They may state their intentions in the "Other Information" section of their flight plan.
Use the appropriate call sign:
- CASARA + complete registration
- SERABEC + complete registration
- RESCUE + flight number
Complete the MATS Reference:
Foreign Military and Open Skies Treaty Aircraft
After initial contact, you may omit the aircraft type if it was provided by the pilot.
The NAV CANADA-DND Open Skies Arrangement, Annex B, contains...
Foreign Military and Open Skies Treaty Aircraft
After initial contact, you may omit the aircraft type if it was provided by the pilot.
The NAV CANADA-DND Open Skies Arrangement, Annex B, contains the country codes. Open Skies Treaty flights use the air operator designator "OSY". The following suffixes signify the mission types:
- "F" for observation.
- "D" for demonstration.
- "T" for transit.
Briefly describe Full Power Run-Ups and Engine Thrust.
High-power run-ups are mostly performed on turbine-powered aircraft after maintenance operations. Controllers should try to use places that are far away from the apron and the tower because of the turbulence, noise, dust and debris generated by the jet blast or prop wash.
Name 8 strategies to prevent runway incursions.
- Applying the procedures - Consistent application of approved standards and procedures.
- Obtaining a readback - If the instruction HOLD SHORT is part of the message, you must obtain a readback.
- Do not issue blanket clearances
- Always use a clear, unambiguous method to indicate that a runway is temporarily obstructed (ROODS).
- When practical, issue the initial IFR clearance before the aircraft begins to taxi.
- Issue the runway designator when authorizing a runway crossing or when issuing a hold short instruction for any runway. This includes runway that are not in use.
- Use extreme caution when directing aircraft to oblique or angled taxiways that limit the ability of the flight crew to see the landing runway threshold or final approach area.
- Issue progressive taxi instructions.
When relieving another controller from an operating position:
1. If the position is equipped with an electronic log-on system that records time preparing to accept responsibility for the control position, and time on duty, log on according to unit procedures. A trainee is expected to log on with their OJI and log off when leaving the position.
2. Observe operational situations and equipment
3. Listen to communications
4. Observe current and pending traffic
5. Verify the position relief checklists
6. Correlate information
7. Inform the controller being relieved that the position has been reviewed, and request a verbal briefing
8. Exchange all pertinent data and ask questions, as appropriate, to ensure understanding.
9. After the verbal briefing, state or otherwise clearly indicate to the controller being relieved that position responsibility has been transferred.