Main Idea
Define Main idea
What is the main, most talked about topic or subject, or idea in an article or passage
Define first person point-of-view
What is when the narrator is the main character and in the story telling the story
What is the main idea of this? Benjamin Franklin loved to write. When he was twenty-two, he set up his own printing shop and started a newspaper. He also printed a book called Poor Richard’s Almanac. It had funny stories, information about the weather, and wise sayings.
What is Ben Franklin loved to write
What can you infer about the little boy in this story: Mr. Craig was at the park with his family. He was the family cook and stood at the grill cooking the hot dogs while everyone else swam in the pool. The little boy had been standing by the tree for a few minutes before Mr. Craig really noticed him. "Do you need any help?" the boy asked. "No, I think I've got it under control!" Mr. Craig chuckled. Then he noticed the boy's dirty t-shirt and ragged pants. "I might need some help eating all of these hot dogs though," Mr. Craig said. "I think I may have cooked too many. Would you like one?" "Okay," the boy said. "I wouldn't want you to have too many."
The little boy is poor, probably homeless, and hungry
What's the difference between an ACQC and a summary paragraph (what type of question are they answer)?
ACQC answers and inference question and summary paragraph writes about the main idea
Define inference
What is an educated guess
What is the difference between 3rd person limited and 3rd person omniscient
What is 3rd person limited, the narrator is not in the story, but you as the reader only know what 1 or 2 characters are thinking and do not know "everything" that is happening. 3rd person omniscient is when the narrator is not in the story but she knows everything that is happening before the characters (and so do you the reader)
What is the main idea of this? Earthquakes are caused when the plates of the Earth's crust move. Earthquakes happen along "fault lines" in the earth’s crust. When the plates in the Earth suddenly shift, the Earth will begin to shift, shake or tremble.
What is earthquakes are caused with the plates of the Earth's crust move
Infer the relationship between George and Lennie
They have a father/son relationship
Write the main idea statement about that article we read about cats and how they are pets. Title: Cats: Man's New Best Friend Author: Jane Smith
In the article "Cats: Man's New Best Friend," by Jane Smith, Cats make good house pets.
Define climax
What is the point of a story where the conflict and plot come to a head; the most interesting part of the story; where the conflict starts to be resolved
What Point-of-view is? Claudia was furious . . . She refused to look at Jamie again and instead stared at the statue. The sound of footsteps broke the silence and her concentration. Footsteps from the Italian Renaissance were descending upon them! The guard was coming down the steps. There was just too much time before the museum opened on Sundays. They should have been in hiding already. Here they were out in the open with a light on!
What is 3rd person limited
What is the main idea of the last chapter of the novel Of Mice and Men
The main idea is that Lennie realizes he did something wrong, but does not know how bad it is, so George has to shoot him to save him from suffering if Curley got to him first.
Infer the relationship between Lennie and Curley's wife (before she dies).
Curley's wife "likes" Lennie and is interested in more than friendship with him, while Lennie, although thinking she's pretty, wants nothing to do with her because George told him to stay away from her.
Write an assertion for the following question: Infer the relationship between George and Lennie
In the novel Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, George and Lennie have a father/son relationship.
Define conflict
What is the struggle or problem in a story or article
What point-of-view is this? It is funny that my trip has ended by being such a fast trip around the world. I find myself referred to now as one of the speediest travelers of all times. Speed wasn’t at all what I had in mind when I started out. On the contrary, if all had gone the way I had hoped, I would still be happily floating around in my balloon, drifting anywhere the wind cared to carry me – East, West, North, or South.
What is first person
What is the main idea of the first chapter of the novel Of Mice and Men
The main idea of the first chapter is to characterize Lennie and George as close and good friends and to show that George and Lennie have a father/son relationship
Infer the relationship between Crooks and Lennie
At first, Crooks wants nothing to do with Lennie while Lennie wants to be his friend, but eventually Crooks is willing to talk to Lennie, even if he does not want to be best friends
Write context for the following assertion and quote: Assertion: In the novel Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck, George and Lennie have a father/son relationship. Context: (you write this) Quote: "Lennie! Don't drink so much water!"
Context: For example, while standing the river's edge after walking all day George says,
Define rising action
What is when a story is building to its point or the conflict and climax before it happens. Usually when the character is working out how to solve the conflict or problem
What point-of-view is this? He was an only child, eleven years old. She was a widow. She was determined to be neither possessive nor lacking in devotion. She went worrying off to her beach. As for Jerry, once he saw that his mother had gained her beach, he began the steep descent to the bay. From where he was, high up among red-brown rocks, it was a scoop of moving bluish green fringed with white. As he went lower, he saw that it spread among small promontories and inlets of rough, sharp rock, and the crisping, lapping surface showed stains of purple and darker blue.
What is third person omniscient
What is the main idea of the novel Of Mice and Men
The main idea of the novel Of Mice and Men is that George and Lennie have a father/son relationship with George taking care of Lennie, but Lennie still gets in trouble and George has to kill him to save Lennie from being tortured by Curley
Infer the relationship between George and Slim
George and Slim "understand" each other and are becoming friends, especially since Slim is the only guy who understands how hard it was for George to kill Lennie
Write commentary for the following ACQC: Assertion: In the novel Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck, George and Lennie have a father/son relationship. Context: For example, when at the river's edge after walking all day George says, Quote: "Lennie! Stop drinking so much water!" Commentary (you write): During this scene... This quote shows... This supports the assertion because...
During this scene George yells at Lennie to stop drinking the water. This quote shows that George is concerned and worried about Lennie and does not want him to get sick. This supports the assertion because, just like a father would worry about his son, George is acting protective and worrying about Lennie.