Where do you turn in completed assignments? (Location)
The turn in bin located under the News You Can Use Board by the entry door.
How should get you Ms. Burton attention.
What website should you check to check you grades?
What should you do if you need to sharpen your pencil?
Raise your hand and ask Ms. Burton can you sharpen your pencil. Do not sharpen while Ms. Burton is talking.
What is the procedure for entering the classroom?
Enter quietly and have a seat at assigned seat. Prepare for morning meeting.
If you were absent, where can you find missing work?
The colored multi cart under the word wall. Find the date I was absent.
What is the first consequence for breaking the classroom expectations?
Verbal warning
What website should you check to find classwork and missing assignments?
Google Classroom
What should you do when you are done using the classroom's pencils?
Place the pencil into the table bin.
What do you do when Ms. Burton rings the classroom doorbell or says "Class Class!"
Voice level 0, eyes on Ms. Burton, and hands are still.
What should you do if you do not understand a question?
Ask a table partner (3 people)
Ask Ms. Burton
What is the second consequence for breaking the classroom expectations?
Warning written on the board along with loss of dojo point.
How should you take care of your assigned headphones? How should you return them at the end of the day?
Wrap the cord around and make sure its not tangled. Return them to my assigned number on the chrome book cart.
If you notice someone left something behind, what should you do?
Return it to them OR place the item where it needs to go. HELP OUT!
How do we line up? Where do the girls and boys line up?
Voice level 0. Girls by the cabinet and boys along the rug.
When is homework due?
Every Thursday
What is the third consequence for breaking the classroom expectations?
Loss of recess along with behavior reflection that goes on behavior file for parents to see at conferences.
*Remember if you reach this consequence 2 times in week, no Fun Friday and no treat*
What do you do if you forget your password?
Raise your hand and ask Ms. Burton
How do you grab your daily materials for class? What's the order?
Quietly transition and walk around the room (not between desk). Grab my bin and headphones and have a seat.
When are your spelling test?
Every two weeks on Friday.
What is the final consequence for breaking the classroom expectations?
Phone call home.
What should you do if your computer is not charged?
Raise your hand and tell Ms. Burton. Plug the chrome book into the chrome book cart and see if the extra chrome book is available for usage.
Put it back where you got it from.
What do you do if you finish an assignment early?
Read independently.
Early Finisher Bin
Complete assigned early finisher assignment (if given)