The horrific journey of enslaved people across the Atlantic Ocean from the west coast of Africa.
What is the middle passage?
90% of Africa was claimed as territory of European nations by 1900, this was one of the 2 places that fought Italian domination at this time and remained independent.
What is Ethiopia?
This was the dynasty that began with James I of Scotland after the death of Queen Elizabeth I.
What is the Stuart Dynasty?
Life, liberty, property.
What are natural rights?
He was away for a very FUN exile after his father was executed. His return to the throne is called The Restoration.
Who was King Charles II?
The largest number of enslaved Africans forcibly brought to the Americas came here.
What is Brazil?
These were the first European colonies to gain independence in the late 18th century.
What were the 13 American colonies on the east coast of North America?
King James I and his son King Charles I were firm believers in this...that they gained their absolute right to rule from god.
What is divine right of kings?
The agreement people make to give up certain freedoms for the greater good of society, so that people can live safely among one another, following agreed upon rules to do so.
What is the social contract?
King Charles II had this done to those who had been part of his father's trial and execution (even if they were already dead).
What is executed and/or have their bodies exhumed, hung, beheaded and put on a pike in public?
These were laws that limited the movement, gatherings, literacy and rights of enslaved people largely to prevent them from rebelling.
What are slave codes?
When the British empire was at its height, this was the phrase would be said about it, because it spanned the entire globe.
What was "the sun never sets on the British Empire"?
They were led by Oliver Cromwell and the New Model Army in the English Civil War. Many were Puritans and Presbyterians, not nobility and fed up with the King.
Who were the MPs aka the Roundheads?
These European people who were the unfree and legally bound to the land of their nobility, were marginalized, often overtaxed social class saw some improvement in some places during the Enlightenment.
Who were serfs?
Charles II was called the "merry monarch" and many in the UK were happy with his return because these places were reopened.
What are theatres and pubs?
Slavery created a population imbalance in west Africa, these people in the population were most frequently sold into slavery.
Who were younger men?
This is the date when much of the world been colonized by European empires, which not coincidentally is when this war also began.
What was 1914?
These were the supporters of King Charles I and of the aristocracy.
Who were the Royalists aka Cavaliers?
He believed that the government gets its consent to govern from the people, and if the government does not do what is best for the people, the people have the right to revolt and protest the government.
Who was John Locke?
What is plague?
Captured enslaved African people often attempted to do this to escape the misery of the Transatlantic Slave Trade and Middle Passage.
What is commit suicide?
Who were enslaved African and indigenous people who were colonized by Europeans at this time?
He became the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of the UK, ruled like a dictator, and tried to "purify" England of sins such as the theatre, gambling and pubs.
Who was Oliver Cromwell?
3 reasons a leader would learn about Enlightenment ideas and learn from Enlightenment scholars.
What are
1. They genuinely wanted the best for their people and to modernize their countries.
2. They wanted to appear as though they were "enlightened", even though in reality many were not.
3. Monarchs would support Enlightenment thinkers in their courts because some were genuinely interested in improving their kingdoms.
This was how the number of legitimate heirs to the throne that Charles II produced.
What are 0?
This was the name of the movement to end slavery.
What is the abolitionist movement?
Dutch East Indies company, spices
This lawmaking body was dismissed multiple times by James I and Charles I - which was the major cause of the English Civil War.
What was Parliament?
This was one of the greatest contradictions of men such as Thomas Jefferson, who embraced the philosophies on John Locke and Montesquieu in the foundations of the United States.
What is they were slave owners?
This occurred in London in 1666, during the Restoration, it started in a bakery and destroyed over 10,000 buildings.
What was the Great Fire of London?