What does RNA stand for?
Rapid Needs Assessment
What does CAP stand for?
Community Action Plan
What are the 2 types of Healthcare systems in Honduras?
Public and Private
What is the average income for a honduran family on the rural area?
3-5$ daily
What is the name of the national bird of Honduras?
When and how did Global Brigades/Squads Abroad get started?
In 2003, a group of students from Marquette University traveled to Honduras with a representative from Sociedad Amigo de los Niños.
Who are surveyed for the RNA?
Community leaders.
Who runs the healthcare centers in the remote rural areas?
Auxiliary and registered nurses.
What are some main occupations in rural communities of Honduras?
Coffee farmer
Community Health Volunteers
Doctors and Nurses
What is the name of the community you are working with?
Name 3 other GB programs.
Public Health
What are some variables analized with the base-line survey?
Healthcare access
Common diseases
Basic Sanitation infrastructure
Water access
Housing infrastructure
Market analysis
What can you tell is a strength of the Honduran Health Care System?
Vaccination program.
HIV Program.
They travel to the nearest community.
Do not study and start working.
Name one of the positions on the Basic Sanitation Commitee.
Vice president
Name 2 ways in which GB identifies new partner communities.
Which type of tools does GB use to collect information?
Quantitative (RNA and Base-line survey)
Qualitative (Focus groups)
Where are the public national hospitals located?
Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula.
Why is it important to analyze the education level in your community?
To better design any education intervention and offer proper solutions.
What is the name of the capital city of Honduras?
What are the 6 main goals of the UN SDGs with which our programming is aligned?
Why is it important to study the root of a problem?
To find the correct solutions.
What are the social determinants of health that are affecting the healthcare in Honduras?
Lack of access to healthcare personel.
Lack of medication.
Low quality in the healthcare services
What are the social determinants affecting the education and economic situation on the rural area of Honduras?
1-2 teachers for the whole primary level.
No pre-school available.
School infrastructure.
Lack of water and sanitation infrastructure.
Lack of middle and high school services in the area.
Lack of school materials.
What is the name of the honduran department where Biosfera del Río Platano is located?
Gracias a Dios