Raise your hand.
When announcement start, what do you need to make sure you are doing?
Chromebook closed
Voice off
What is a ratio?
Comparing two quantities
If you are unsure of what to do during your group rotation time, what should you do?
Look at the board
What is your school responsibility every single weeknight?
Check your agenda. Do your homework. Empty out the papers.
When you come in from WIN, what should you do?
Check the board, write your homework.
When you walk in the door, what is a pleasant way to begin the learning day?
EYE CONTACT, say good morning, greet everyone in here
What is the theme of a story?
The message of a story
How do you get ready for math time?
Sit in seat, take our whiteboard, marker, workbook
What is the expectation for chromebooks during learning time?
Stay on the assigned websites.
When is a good time to use the bathroom?
During snack, during independent work, during brain breaks
Folder, agenda, chromebook
What two rivers is Mesopotamia between?
How should you leave your desk or snack area when you are finished?
How many points is homework for your grade?
5% of your grade
What is an example of a healthy snack?
Answers vary
What should you be doing during Huddle Up in order to get something out of it?
Listening, participating
What is happening to the Earth's climate?
slowly rising temperature
If you have a new science paper to add to your binder, where should it be placed?
In front of the divider.
Tell me one way you earn Own It tickets
Answer vary
What are the expectations at the lockers?
When should you get breakfast?
How many units of Lexia should you be getting every single day?
At least 2
What is the water cycle process that we see when water rises to form a cloud?
What is a consequence for disruptive or rude behavior?
Parent contact, principal contact, lunch detention, ISS