Chapter 1 & 2 Key Concepts
Vocabulary A
Vocabulary B
Consumer and Resource Populations
Short Response

within a population organisms are ALWAYS being _______ and __________

born and dying ( any order)


When something becomes different over time

What is CHANGE


a model that shows what eats what in an ecosystem

what is a food web


Name an example of a consumer population

answers will vary group should determine if correct if you can't figure out grab ms.t

Other than that actual process of reproduction and birth what is something else an animal may use energy storage molecules for?

answers will vary, make a decision as group if answer is solid or grab Ms. T for final decision :)

What is required for a population of organisms in an ecosystem to be stable?

The amount of things being added must be the same as the number of things being taken away. Example if 3 things die, 3 things must be born


A scientist who studies the interactions of organisms with each other and their enviornment



all the living and nonliving things interacting in a particular area



name an example of a resource population

answers will vary group should determine if correct or grab ms.t


There has been a sudden decrease in the amount of zooplankton in the food web. What impact would this have on both the moon jelly and walleye pollock?

example response

less zooplankton pop. = less ESM available for Moon jelly & walleye pollock = less reproduction = less births than deaths = decrease in population.


How does a consumer population gain energy?

from consuming resource populations


the process of creating offspring

what is reproduction

when something stays mostly the same over time

what is stability


Give an example of something that is both a resource and consumer population

answers will vary group should determine if correct or grab ms.t


Analyze the food web and answer the following question: What change can you make to the food web that will cause the stingwing population to increase?

Answers will vary, decide as a group and if you need a final decision see Ms. T 

Describe a scenario where a population might increase

Births more than deaths

Predators go away

Their resource population increases


living things, such as plants, animals and bacteria

what are organisms


a small part that is meant to show what the whole is like

what is sample


what a resource population in this food web other than grass

what is

grasshopper or frog


Matter (energy) moves in this ecosystem when the producer the wheatgrass is eaten by the 1____________. Matter moves from the primary consumer to the secondary consumer when the 2____________ is eaten by the 3______________________.

1. Katydid

2. Katydid

3. Deer Mouse


A population of bluefish lives in the Gulf of Mexico. Over the last 50 years, the size of the bluefish population has decreased. What best explains the decrease in the size of the bluefish population?

  1. A lot of bluefish died and no new bluefish were born.

  2. More bluefish were born than died.

  3. Fewer bluefish were born than died.



the ability to make things move or change

what is energy


a molecule that organisms can use to release the energy needed to survive

what is energy storage molecules


Why do all arrows in a food chain point towards the decomposer?

because a food chain arrow shows the process of transferring energy storage molecules 


The tuna population increased, explain what happens to all four other organisms in this food chain - use birth rate, death rate, consumer, resource, and indirect effect in your answer.

The squid population will decrease due to an increased death rate from being hunted more by the tuna (the consumer). The herring population will increase because they are being hunted less by their consumer population (the squid) due to a loss in their population. Last, the dolphin population will decrease because their resource population (the squid) will be decreasing in size due to an increase in their competition, the tuna
