Will always arise during a group project
What are the three types of leaders?
Designated leader, implied leader, emergent leader
What is symposium?
A conference or meeting to discuss a particular subject.
What are the three types of member roles?
What is Groupthink?
Groupthink is a group member's tendency to accept ideas or information without criticizing them due to strong feelings of loyalty or the group’s single-mindedness.
What should each member do in the beginning?
What are some task oriented roles?
Initiators, information providers, information gatherers, elaborators, clarifiers, evaluators, synthesizers, (emerging agreements and disagreements in a group) and recorders.
What are four things a group leader should NOT do during a meeting?
The group leader should NOT:
-Interrupt group members
-Dismiss group member's questions/comments
-Dominate discussions
-Pull rank during decision making
What is a single group representative?
One person is responsible for presenting on behalf of the entire group.
What are some maintenance-oriented roles?
Harmonizers, compromisers, encouragers, gatekeepers, (spreading information) and norm facilitators (encourages healthy group roles and discourages unhealthy ones, like a "judge")
What can cause a group to fail to reach their goal?
Answers may be:
-Personality conflicts
-Disruptive emotions
-Being unorganized
-Being off task
-Conflict that does not get managed
-Group members not speaking up
What should members do during a discussion?
Participate in the discussion, give others the opportunity to talk, be tactful and professional when disagreeing with others.
What are some self-oriented roles? (negative)
Blockers, (disagreeing) with-drawers, dominators, and distractors
What are the responsibilities of a group leader during meetings?
Answers may include:
-Determining group procedures
-Facilitating decisions
-Keeping members on task without using anger
-Avoiding groupthink
-Working to make sure that all group members are involved in a discussion
-Helping organize a group presentation
-Managing/resolving conflict quickly and efficiently
-Refering to ideas by topic instead of calling specific people out
-Focusing on tasks, not disagreements
-Managing disruptive emotions
-Trying to create a diverse atmosphere within the group
What is a panel discussion?
Group members converse among themselves at a table while the audience watches and listens.