Is 20 a prime number or a composite number?
El numero 20 es un numero primo o compuesto?
20 is a composite number
50 x 60=_______
Use an area model to solve:
545 ÷ 5=________
A number multiplied by 4 equals 852. What is the number?
Un numero multiplicado por 4 es igual a 852. Cual es el numero?
Round 3,567 to the hundreds place.
Ronda 3,567 al lugar de las centenas
Is 15 a prime number or a composite number?
El numero 15 es un numero primo o compuesto?
15 is a composite number
70 x 40=______
Use an area model to solve:
828 ÷ 4=________
3,609 is 3 times greater than what number?
3,609 es 3 veces mas grande que cual numero?
Round 6,347 to the nearest thousands.
Ronda 6,347 al lugar de los millares.
What is the definition of a prime number? Provide an example of a prime number.
Cual es la definición de un numero primo?
A prime number is a number that has only two factors, one and itself.
Un numero primo es un numero que solo tiene dos factos, uno y su numero mismo.
40 X 40 = __________ tens X _________tens
= __________ hundreds
= __________
40 X 40 = 4 tens X 4 tens
= 16 hundreds
= 1,600
Use an area model to solve:
9,444 ÷ 3=________
A number multiplied by 4 equals 508. What is the number?
Un numero multiplicado por 4 es igual a 508. Cual es ese numero?
Round 256,838 to the nearest ten thousands.
Ronda 256,838 al lugar de las millares.
What is the definition of multiple? Provide an example of a multiple.
Cual es le definición de un numero multiple?
A multiple number is the result by multiplying a number with another number.
50 X 40 = __________ tens X __________ tens
= __________ hundreds
= __________
50 X 40 = 5 tens X 4 tens
= 20 hundreds
= 2,000
Use an area model to solve:
3,476 ÷ 2=__________
4,701 is 3 times greater than what number?
4,701 es 3 veces mas grande que cual numero?
Round 167,339 to the ten thousands place.
Ronda 167,339 al lugar de las decenas de millar.