What is motivation
Content theories of motivaton
Process Theories of Motivation
Reinforcement Strategies
Motivation in the new workplace

Define motivation

Motivation—the forces within the individual that account for the level, direction, and persistence of effort expended at work.


What is content theories of motivation?

Content theories of motivation use individual needs to explain the behvaiours and attitudes of people at work


What is process theories of motivation?

How people make choices to work hard or not.

Choices are based on:

•Individual preferences.

•Available rewards.

•Possible work outcomes


Explain reinforcement strategies

Reinforcement theory focuses on the impact of external environmental consequences on behavior.


How is the workforce changing?

The workforce is changing:



•Age of older workers are increasing

•Use of volunteers


Describe an extrinsic reward

Extrinsic rewards—valued outcomes given to someone by another person


What are needs?

Unfulfilled physiological and psychological desires of an individual.


Describe the equity theory

•Developed by J. Stacy Adams.

•When people believe that they have been treated unfairly in comparison to others, they try to eliminate the discomfort and restore a perceived sense of equity to the situation.

•Perceived inequity.•Perceived equity.


What is the law of effect?

Law of effect — impact of type of consequence on future behavior.


Explain merit pay

Merit pay 

•Awards a pay increase in proportion to individual performance contributions.

•Provides performance contingent reinforcement.

•May not succeed due to weakness in performance appraisal system or lack of consistency in application


What is an intrinsic reward

Intrinsic rewards—valued outcomes that occur naturally as a person works on a task.


Explain Maslow's Hierarchy of needs

•Developed by Abraham Maslow.

•Lower-order and higher-order needs affect workplace behavior and attitudes.

Lower-order needs:

•Physiological, safety, and social needs.

Desires for physical and social well being.

Higher-order needs:

•Esteem and self-actualization needs.

•Desire for psychological growth and development


Describe the expectancy theory

•Developed by Victor Vroom.

•Key expectancy theory variables:

•Expectancy— belief that working hard will result in desired level of performance.

•Instrumentality — the belief that successful performance will be followed by rewards.

•Valence—value a person assigns to rewards and other work-related outcomes.

Motivation (M), expectancy (E), instrumentality (I), and valence (V) are related to one another in a multiplicative fashion:

M = E x I x V

•If either E, I, or V is low, motivation will be low.


What is operant conditioning?

Operant conditioning:

•Developed by B.F. Skinner.

•Applies law of effect to control behavior by manipulating its consequences


Explain skill-based pay

Skill-based pay. -Links pay to the number of job-relevant skills an employee masters.


What is the best way to motivate employees

Allocate rewards to satisfy the interests of both individuals and the organization.


Explain the ERG theory

Three need levels:

•Existence needs— desires for physiological and material well-being.

•Relatedness needs — desires for satisfying interpersonal relationships.

•Growth needs — desires for continued psychological growth and development.

•Any/all needs can influence behavior at one time.•Frustration-regression principle.•An already satisfied lower-level need becomes reactivated when a higher-level need is frustrated.


Describe the goal-setting theory

•Developed by Edwin Locke.

•Properly set and well-managed task goals can be highly motivating.

•Motivational effects of task goals:

•Provide direction to people in their work.•Clarify performance expectations a frame of reference for feedback.•Provide a foundation for behavioral self-management.


Explain positive and negative reinforcement strategies

Positive reinforcement

•Increases the frequency of a behavior through the contingent presentation of a pleasant consequence.

Negative reinforcement

•Increases the frequency of a behavior through the contingent removal of an unpleasant consequence.


Explain bonus pay plans

Bonus pay plans.

•One-time or lump-sum payments based on the accomplishment of specific performance targets or some extraordinary contribution.


Name reasons why it is important to motivate workers

Reduce staff turnover




Job satisfaction

More innovative employees


Explain the Acquired Needs Theory

•People acquire needs through their life experiences.

Needs that are acquired:

•Need for Achievement (nAch)

•Need for Power (nPower)

•Need for Affiliation (nAff)


Participation in goal-setting

Unlocks the motivational potential of goal setting.

•Management by objectives (MBO) promotes participation.


Explain punishment and extinction in relation to operant conditioning strategies


•Decreases the frequency of a behavior through the contingent presentation of an unpleasant consequence.


•Decreases the frequency of a behavior through the  contingent removal of an pleasant consequence


Explain employee stock ownership plans

Employee stock ownership plans.

•Employees own stock in the company that employs them.
