Vocabulary I
Vocabulary II
Greco-Roman Contributions
Medieval Europe
Mongols & Silk Road

A line of rulers from one family or clan

What is a dynasty?

A rule by a king or queen

What is monarchy?


Name one Greek or Roman Contribution to Western Civilization


This system's hierarchy included Kings/Queens at the top, followed by Lords, Knights, and lastly Peasants

What is feudalism?


This was the leader of the Mongol Empire. He was responsible for uniting the different Mongol clans and taking over almost 20% of the world.

Who is Genghis Khan?

This form of government is where people elect representatives. It was the form of government for the Romans and is the current form of government in the US

What is a republic?


The type of government where the rulers are few and usually wealthy. It was the government of Ancient Sparta

What is an oligarchy?


This Greek contribution to the Western world is the study of shapes and is current math class being taken by 10th graders across the US

What is geometry?

This invention was able to punch through knight's armor and was the main reason why knight's became obsolete or useless.

What is the longbow?


A system of interconnected trade routes spanned from Asia to Europe and was maintained by the Mongols making them imporant in world history?

What is the Silk Road


The Greeks & Mesopotamians had this organizational structure with an independent city and the surrounding land.

What is a city-state?

This government was found in the city-state of Athens during 500s BC, where the majority (aka the people) ruled.

What is democracy?


This Roman contribution gave the Western world Latin script as well as Spanish, Portuguese, French, Italian, & Romanian.

What is language?


The Byzantine Empire was able to preserve this type of knowledge after the fall of the Western Roman Empire?

What is Greek & Roman knowledge?

One of the three things exchanged along the Silk Road. It originated in Central Asia and spread along the famous trade route via fleas on rats. It hit Europe extremely hard, had a near 100% mortality rate and its symptoms include fever, chills, aches, and most importantly swollen lymph nodes. People still get it today by eating rodents like marmots.
What is the Black Plaugue?

It is the opposite of monotheism, where there is a belief in many gods. The religion of Hinduism is a modern example of this type of religion.

What is polytheism?


It is the rule of the land-owning nobility, and can be found in the Pre-Antebellum American South

What is aristocracy?


A contribution from both Greece and Rome, this gave the world columns, stadiums, tracks, and arches.

What is architecture?


This system is found in Medieval Europe and was created due due to people leaving the cities to the countryside to escape the Vikings & Magyars.

What is feudalism?


One of the three things exchanged along the Silk Road. It includes things like gunpowder, ship designs, and stuff like the compass.

What is technology?

It is the upper-class folks, the ones who own the land and are often born into such power.

What is nobility?


This type of government was present during Ancient Egypt when the pharaohs would be in control of both the government and the religion. It is currently found in the Holy See (aka Vatican City).

What is theocracy?

This contribution is from both the Greeks and Romans and gives the world structure for how people are organized, who leads, who is in control, and how power is shared

What is government?

These two impacts of the Crusades brought back two things back to Europe.

What is classical knowledge & new technology?


One of the three things exchanged along the Silk Road. These are a type of goods that are higher end. Such things include porcelain, gold, and a silk made by the worms.

What is luxury goods?
