Key figure in the Enlightenment; known for advocation freedom of speed and religion.
A) Voltaire B) George Washington
Who was Voltaire?
The beginning of the French Revolution in 1789 was marked by the event...
A) The beheading of Louis XVI
B) The storming of the Bastille
What was the storming of the Bastille?
This person developed the geocentric model
A) Aristotle
B) Benjamin Franklin
Who was Aristotle?
This person was the first to dissect human bodies. He detailed drawings of human organs, bones and muscles...
A) Andreas Vesalius
B) William Harvey
Who was Andreas Vesalius?
The American Declaration of Independence was influenced by this Enlightenment idea?
A) Freedom of Religion B) The belief in Natural Rights
What was the belief in Natural Rights?
This is what D.I.M.E. stood for in relation to the French Revolution?
A) Death, Immigration, Monarchy, and Equality
B) Debt, Inequality, Monarchy, and Enlightenment
What is Debt, Inequality, Monarchy, and Enlightenment?
This is the idea that many believed where the sun was the center of the universe...
A) Geocentric
B) Heliocentric
What is Heliocentric?
This person believed in universal motion and explained gravity...
A) Johannes Kepler
B) Sir Isaac Newton
Who was Sir Isaac Newton?
The Enlightenment contributed to challenging traditional political authorities in Europe by...
A) promoting ideas of individual rights, reason, and questioning of authority
b) promoting the ideas that some people deserved to rich, while others deserved to be poor
What was promoting ideas of individual rights, reason, and questioning of authority?
Describe the Reign of Terror during the French Revolution.
A) Mass executions by the Monarchy
b) Mass executions by the Committee of Public Safety
What was mass executions by the Committee of Public Safety?
This person designed the 1st telescope with lens and could see the movement of the stars and moon
A) Copernicus
B) Galileo Galilei
Who was Galileo Galilei?
This invention from the Scientific Revolution helped people better understand study diseases...
A) The Microscope
B) The X-Ray machine
What is the microscope?
The impact of Enlightenment ideas on the development of democracy can be seen in...
A) People who argued with the government should be put in prison
b) the ideas of equality, liberty, and freedom
What are the ideas of equality, liberty, and freedom?
The French Revolution impacted the role of the monarchy in France by...
A) The abolition of the monarchy
b) The restoration of the monarchy
What was the abolition of the monarchy?
This person showed that the heart acted as a pump to circulate blood throughout the body
A) William Harvey
B) Vesalius
Who was William Harvey?
The idea that the Earth was the center of the universe...
A) Heliocentric
B) Geocentric
What is Geocentric?
This is one of many ways in which the Enlightenment ideas spread beyond Europe...
A) By promoting new ideas about government, society, and individual rights
B) By limiting freedom of speech
What is by promoting new ideas about government, society, and individual rights?
The main outcomes of the French Revolution were...
A) Total destruction of France and government established in France by the British
B) Abolition of the monarchy, the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte, and spread of revolutionary ideas
What was Abolition of the monarchy, the rise of Napoleon Bonaparte, and spread of revolutionary ideas?
This person believed that planetary movement moved around the sun in elliptical orbits, not in circles...
A) Nicholas Copernicus
B) Johannes Kepler
Who was Johannes Kepler?
This idea says that what goes up, must come down and every object in the universe attracts every other object...
A) Laws of Gravity and Motion
B) Laws of Thermodynamics
What are the laws of gravity and motion?