State your name in a complete sentence.
Je m'appelle...
Describe yourself using one adjective.
Je suis + adjective
Say that you have 2 brothers and 3 sisters
J'ai deux frères et trois soeurs
Say where you live
J'habite (en Australie) or à Sydney
Imagine you are meeting someone for the first time and have a conversation with them that lasts 20 seconds
Bonjour/ Salut...
State your nationality in a full sentence and give the nationality of a family member
Je suis australienne
Describe yourself using two adjectives.
Je suis + 2 feminine adjectives
State how many people there are in your family
Dans ma famille il y a...
State what your mum's name is in a full sentence and how old she is
Ma mère s'appelle...
Say goodbye and see you later
Au revoir/ salut/ à bientôt!
State when your birthday is and ask someone when their birthday is
Mon anniversaire c'est le ...
State something you like to eat
J'aime/ j'adore + food
Describe someone in your family.
Ma soeur est + adjective
State what you like to drink
J'aime/ J'adore + drink (eg le coca)
When listing two things, how do you say "and"? Give an example in a full sentence
State your age in a complete sentence and how old a family member is
J'ai ... ans
State two things you like to eat and why
J'aime les pommes et les poires parce que c'est sucré
Describe someone in your family using two adjectives.
Mon père est... + masculine adjectives
State which animal you have and give a description
J'ai un chien. Il s'appelle... Il est noir et blanc et petit
How do you make 'I like' negative - now give a sentence where you demonstrate this
He N'aime PAS
State what you eat for dinner and why
Pour le dîner je mange... parce que...
State two things you don't like and why
Je n'aime pas... parce que...
State something someone in your family likes to eat and why
Ma soeur aime... parce que...
State what hair and eye colour you have and also describe the hair and eye colour of a family member
J'ai les cheveux... et les yeux...
State two things about the style of your hair and also the hair style of a friend
J'ai les cheveux raides et courts