Character Trait
Context Clues

What is theme

The lesson or moral of a story; central message


What is an example of setting

Beach, School, House etc


What is an example of a positive character trait?

Happy, Kind, etc


What is an inference?

An educated guess


The man in the scary movie walked down the long corridor in the dark building.

What does the word corridor mean?

a. bedroom

b. backyard

c. hall

C. Hall


One winter, a monkey found a snake stiff and frozen. The monkey felt sorry for the snake and so he picked the snake up and held it to his chest to try to warm it. The snake was quickly revived by the warmth, and because of its instincts, bit the monkey with all its might. What is the theme?
A Even though you have good intentions, others may not
B Don't hold snakes close to your chest.
C Snakes are dangerous.

A. Even though you have good intentions, others may not


What happens in the conclusion of the story

The characters work through their issues and the story comes to an end


What is an example of a negative character trait

Bad, Lazy, Naughty etc


“John, I am home from the store. Come help me with the groceries, please!” yelled John’s mom. She stood outside and didn’t hear anything from John. She went inside and noticed a baseball lying on the floor and shattered glass from her bedroom window. John’s mom yelled, “John! You are grounded! Get out here right now!” 

What happened to the window?

How do you know?

The baseball hit the window and broke it.

The baseball was lying on the floor around the shattered glass. 


Mia became jubilant when she found out she had won a new teddy bear.

The word jubilant means:

a. angry

b. confused

c. joyful

d. sad

C. Joyful


For many weeks, Omar practiced for his school talent show. He wanted to win the grand prize of a brand new bicycle. He came up with his own magic act and every day after school he would practice for hours. He even recruited his younger brother to be his assistant at home. "Why do you practice so much?" said Omar's brother. "Because I want to win," said Omar. "Don't you know that practice makes perfect?"

Weeks passed and it was finally time for the talent show to begin. Omar practiced three more times in the morning before he left for the talent show. When the talent show was over, Omar sat in suspense. "And our winner is... Omar Jones," said the school principal. Omar ran to the stage to receive his award. When he was given his new bicycle, Omar smiled when he thought about all of his hard work. 

Hard work pays off in the end.


What happens in the introductions of the story

We find out the setting and are introduced to the characters


As soon as Cindy gets home from school, she takes out all of her homework and places it neatly on the table. She doesn't play until her homework is finished. She sits at her desk and pays close attention to her work so she does not make any mistakes.

Cindy is __________

a. successful

b. foolish

c. angry 

d. focused



Which do you have to infer- physical traits or personality traits?

Personality traits


The full moon ILLUMINATED the sky so much that we did not need our flashlights. What would be a synonym for ILLUMINATED? 

a) lit b) darkened c) filled

A. Lit


Maria frowned as she looked in her bedroom mirror. She wished she had long, curly hair just like her sister. Everything about her sister was better. Her perfect nose, smile, eyebrows, and the list went on and on in Maria's head. Every day Maria would stare into the mirror for hours hoping that one day she would look more like her sister. "If only I could have curly hair instead of boring straight hair!" Maria exclaimed. 

"What's wrong?" asked Maria's mother as she walked into her bedroom. "It's just that, why do I have to look like this-" whined Maria. Her mother looked at Maria and said, "You are perfect just the way that you are. I hope one day that you realize that." 

Accept yourself for who you are.


What is the climax of the story

The top of plot mountain- the most important part of the story

When we go to recess, Sam always chooses what we play If we don't play what Sam wants, he gets mad and yells at everyone. He also tells me where to sit at lunch and makes me share my cookies with him. I like Sam as my friend, but he is always telling me how to do things. 

Sam is ___________________

a. bossy

b. helpful

c. interesting

d. silly



Mary and Beth had planned a picnic in the park for Saturday. They were looking forward to walking around the lake. On Saturday morning, Mary hopped out of bed and looked out her window. Her shoulders slumped and she frowned.

Why did Mary frown?

How do you know that?

It is raining. 

Mary is looking forward to her picnic with Beth at the lake. Mary frowned after looking out the window, so it was something outside that upset her. Rain would cancel her plans for the picnic. 


Julia wasn't sure exactly what time they would arrive, but she thought the APPROXIMATE time would be around 5:00. What does APPROXIMATE mean? Give the context clues you used in the sentence to determine the meaning. 

a) estimated b) unknown c) exact

A. Estimated

A milkman became very wealthy through dishonest means. He had to cross a river daily to reach the city where his customers lived. Every day he would mix water generously with the milk that he sold for a good profit. This way he would have more milk to sell. He did this for weeks and weeks. No one knew what he had done. With the large amount of money that the milkman collected, he purchased plenty of rich clothes and glittering gold jewelry. But while crossing the river his boat became too heavy and sank. The river swallowed all of his expensive purchases. The milkman was speechless with grief. At that time he heard a voice that came from the river, "Do not be sad. What you have lost is only the gains you earned through cheating your customers."

Honesty is the best policy


the action that follows the climax

Falling Action


Jerry always looks both ways before he crosses the street. He double-checks his homework and quizzes before turning them in to make sure he answered all of the questions. Jerry likes to be sure that he does everything correctly.

Jerry is _______________.

a. determined 

b. cautious 

c. childish

d. loyal



What is the equation for an inference

What I read+ What I know


Mary only wanted to help, but unfortunately, her speech had the opposite effect on ESCALATED the argument. What does ESCALATED mean?

To ESCALATE something means to make it worse. So, to have ESCALATED the argument means to have made the argument worse.
