What is Growth Mindset
A “growth mindset,” thrives on challenge and sees failure not as evidence of unintelligence but as a heartening springboard for growth and for stretching our existing abilities.
What floors are the study halls on?
How many Hours should you be sleeping each night?
Age 6-12 (9-12 hours)
Age 13-18 (8-10 hours)
What is Cadaver?
A corpse
"Just Do It."
What are examples of Focuz Tools?
Take a walk, Bathroom break, Stretch, unplugging technology, Sit in the front, Move away from distractions, etc.
What is the Teen Room at the Public Library called?
The Mix
Examples of Physical Activity
Running, Walking, Yoga, Stretching, Sports, Park, Jump Rope, etc.
Adolescents ages 6-17 years should get at least 60 minutes (1hr.) of physical activity a day.
Capital of California
"Eat Fresh"
What are the 3 C's?
Catch it, Check it, Change it
What Muni takes you to SFSU?
Why is Breakfast often called "the most important meal of the day?"
Breakfast breaks the overnight fasting period.
Helps you feel more alert and have more energy throughout the day.
Skipping breakfast can lead to decreased concentration and difficulty learning.
DMA's Address
175 Golden Gate Ave.
"Taste The Rainbow"
What is Executive Functioning Skills?
Executive functions are the essential self-regulating skills that we all use every day to plan, organize, make decisions, and learn from past mistakes. People rely on their executive functions for everything from taking a shower to packing a backpack or doing a book report. (Memory, organizing, planning, self control, decision making)
What does SFSU stand for?
San Francisco State University
How many hours is recommended a day for technology use?
Teens 10-14 spend about 6-9 hours a day but 2-4 hours is recommended
What does ARP Stand for?
Academic Resource Program
"The Quicker Picker Upper"
Practice the 3 Cs
"I suck at Math, I'll never pass this class."
Math is not my strongest subject but I can set a time to meet with my teacher to see what I should focus on before the next test.
What were some films produced by an alum of SFSU?
Inside Out, Up, Toy Story 4 (Jonas Rivera)
Name 5 of the Food Groups
Fruits, Vegetables, Grains, Protein, Dairy
What are the character's emotions in the New Inside Out movie?
Joy, Sadness, Fear, Disgust, Anger, Anxiety, Ennui, Embarrassment, Envy
"Finger Lickin good"