What is a group of people who share a culture and territory?
A society.
What is it called when someone is not judging a culture but they are trying to understand on its own terms.
Cultural Relativism.
nature is what?
nurture is what?
DNA, genes
Socialization, Enviorment
What is the group memberships that people have because of history and location?
Social Location.
What is a group in which its values and related behaviors distinguish its members from the larger cultures?
What is a feral child?
Children that are raised by animals.
How do we understand human behavior by placing it within its gender context?
From the Sociological perspective.
What is a value norm that or other cultural trait that is found in every group?
Cultural Universal
Example of things that happen within the life course ages 13-17?
Trying to fit in, puberty, dating, jobs, heartbreak.
What is the definition of sociology?
Scientific study of societies.
What are the material objects that distinguish a group of people such as their art, weapons, buildings, hairstyles, clothing, machines, and jewelry?
Material Culture
Who is Isabella
Girl with a blind and deaf mother lived in the attic till 6 years old.
What is the meaning of verstehen?
To gain insight by watching others.
What values, beliefs, norms, and related behaviors place its members in opposition to the broader culture?
Counter culture.
What are the six human emotions?
Anger, Disgust, Fear, Happiness, Sadness, Surprise.