How many days did it take God to create the creation?
6 days and he rested on the 7th
What were Adam and Eve created from
Why did God flood the earth
People were becoming wicked and evil
+100 points
What did God create on the 7th day.
Nothing he rested
What was the name of the tree that Adam and Eve were not aloud too eat from and where was it located?
Knowledge of good and evil and it was located in the middle of the garden
What represents God's promise to us that his will never again destroy the earth with a flood?
A Rainbow
What was the name of the city where the tower was built?
What day did God create the grass, trees, and plants?
Day 3
What was the punishment of the serpent?
crawl on his belly and eat dust all the day of his life
Who did God tell Noah to take on the ark with him?
His wife, sons, and his sons wives
And two of every animal one male and one female
In which book of the Bible is the story of the Tower of Babel found?
Which day did God say "let there be light"
The 1st day
what were the names of Adam and Eve's sons?
Cain and Abel
What were the 2 birds that Noah sent out to see if the land was dry
A Raven and then a Dove
Why did the people decide to build the tower?
Reach up to heaven and to make a name for themselfs
What did God create on each of the 6 days?
Day 1: Heaven and Earth and day and night
Day 2: Separated the heaven from the earth
Day 3: Gathered all the water in one places creating oceans, rivers, and lakes/ grass, plants, and trees
Day 4: Sun, moon, and stars
Day 5: Birds of the sky and fish of the sea
Day 6: All land animals and Adam and Eve
What would be Adam and Eve's punishment?
Adam: He was to work hard and the only way to eat or survive he would have to work for it
40 days and 40 nights
What did God do to stop the building of the tower?
Confuse their language so they could not understand one another