a type of art connected to acting and showing people's art to the public (e.g ballet, play, opera ...etc.)

a. visual art b. literature c. performing art

c. performing art


Decide which sentence has active or passive voice.

1. The criminals were very good.

2. They were caught by the police.

3. The criminals left they fingerprints.

4. Their fingerprints were examined.

1 / 3 - active

2 / 4 - passive


Read and match with the words. Find the ODD.

1. novels / poems / plays / sculptors

2. eye-catching / dazzling / graffiti / charming

3. paint / draw / crochet / conductor

1. sculptors

2. graffiti

3. conductor


Put the words in alphabetic order for 1 minute

drawing cartoon playwrite opera  ballet dancer sculptor composer choreographer novelist conductor

ballet, cartoon, choreographer, composer, conductor, dancer, drawing, novelist, opera, playwrite, sculptor


a person in art whose job is to create a dance for a person or a group of people



Change Active into Passive

1. I chose this dress for my  school prom. 

2. They use the molds to make a shape for the chocolate. 

3. Patric washed his car two days ago. 

1. This dress was chosen by me for the school prom. 

2.The molds are used to make a shape for the chocolate.

3. The car was washed (by Patric) two days ago. 


Cross out the odd word in each line:

1. I'm a big much fan of jazz.

2. I'm quite interested in of painting.

3. I am really can't stand operas and ballet.

1. much

2. of

3. am


Put the words into the right order to make a sentence

1 - the robbers climbed into a window, 

2 - Then, when everyone was celebrating the New Year, 

3 - which was opened for them by someone at the museum, and took the pictures.

Then, when everyone was celebrating the New Year, the robbers climbed into a window, which was opened for them by someone at the museum, and took the pictures.


a type of art which is based on crochet such things as trees, walls

a) graffiti

b) panel

c) body art

d) yarn bombing art

d) yarn bombing art

Read and choose the right form: active or passive

They are looked / look amazing, but the paintings are soon destroyed / destroyed by the artists who / are made / make them. It's is important for the Tibetan culture to make / be made these paintings, they destroy have them destroyed

They look amazing, but the paintings are soon destroyed by the artists who make them. It's is important for the Tibetan culture to make these paintings, they have them destroyed.


Match the sentences. Find the extra part.

1. This concert should be ...

2. The new art gallery ...

3. An opera ...

a. was performed in the the concert hall last evening.

b. was watched by many people.

c. will be opened by famous artist next Sunday.

d. shown on TV so everyone can see it.

1. d / 2. c. / 3. a EXTRA b


Read the sentences and change the words. Put them into the right sentence.

1. Did you have your musical cut yesterday?

2. I've been working on a new hair. What do you think?

3. The musicians played four pieces from famous  picture.

1. Did you have your hair cut yesterday?

2. I've been working on a new picture. What do you think?

3. The musicians played four pieces from famous musical.


Fill in the gaps. Use the right word. ONE is extra you do not need. 

sculptures/ realistic /eye-catching /painters

1) The musical we watched yesterday was really ..., as the dancers were wearing bright costumes.

2) I know many ... , but Picassos' works are the weirdest. 

3) Terracotta warriors are the ... made of material called terracotta. 

1 - eye-catching

2 - painters

3 - sculptures 

EXTRA: realistic


Read and and finish the sentences using (have or get smth done)

1. I usually wash my car on Saturdays, but today...

2. My dad used to mone the lawn when he was young, but yesterday he ...

3. I can't fix my phone, so I'm going to ...

...I have my car washed.

... had his lawn moaned.

...have/ get my phone fixed.


Match the short dialogues. Find the EXTRA.

1. Are you ready for your holiday?

2. Have you got any plans for tonight?

3. Did you manage to get the tickets online?

a. No, the tickets office was closed.

b. Not at all.. I'm going by car.

c. Not really, I'm not doing anything special.

d. Yes, I think I've got everything I need.

1. d.

2. c.

3. a.



Put the words into the right sentence

street / over /artist   / all / the / world / invited Famous / by / were / the / from /foundation / to / come / to Poland / to / work. / In total,  / artists /  from /took  / project / the / part / in / the / over / next / years. / eight / countries / few 

Famous street artist from all over the world were invited by the foundation to come to Poland to work. In total, artists from eight countries took part in the project over the next few years.


Read the text and finish the words with the missing letters. 

Temporary art like this is very p_ _ _ _ _ _ in China. S _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and tourists from all over the w_ _ _ _, visit it every year. The s_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ are bigger than houses and they, and they take w_ _ _ _ to make. Harbin's freezing weather make it very difficult for a_ _ _ _ _ _ to work outside. 

Temporary art like this is very popular in China. Sculptors and tourists from all over the world, visit it every year. The sculptures are bigger than houses and they take weeks to make. Harbin's freezing weather make it very difficult for artists to work outside.


Read the story and put the verbs into the right form: active or passive

The British TV show 10 years younger helps members of the public to change their appearance. At the start of the show, the participants ... (thier age / guess)  by hundred members of the public. Then they ... (their hair / do)  by the hairdressers. They also ...  (new clothes/ chose) by fashion experts. 

The British TV show 10 years younger helps members of the public to change their appearance. At the start of the show, the participants have thier age guessed by hundred members of the public. Then they have their hair done by the hairdressers. They also have new clothes chosen by fashion experts.


Choose only ONE variant for each sentence. 

1. Famous street artists from all over the world were invented /  invited  to come to Poland.

2. The foundation organises the an art festival which attracts / attracts participants from all the world.

3. The project is a big peace / piece of art for the city.   

1. invited

2. attracts

3. piece


Put the questions into the right order. Answer the questions??

1. / kind / of / you / are / arts / What / keen / on?

2. / is / the / art / piece / greatest  / of / you think? / What 

3. the / three / that / you / have / or / get / done? /What / things / are / usually 

1. What kind of arts are you keen on?

2. What is the greatest piece of art you think? 

3. What are the three things that you usually have or get done?
