He was the greatest leader of the Mongol Hordes.
Who is Genghis Khan?
This 'Great' ruler united the Russian tribes into one nation.
Who was Ivan the Great?
France and England fought for a long time during this war.
What is the Hundred Years War?
Who is Christopher Columbus?
The Mongols would open the veins of their horses in order to do this.
He famously traveled to China with his Father and uncle, where he became an important person in the Chinese Court. He then returned to Europe, and wrote an very famous book about his travels.
Who is Marco Polo?
The Rus were unable to capture this ancient city, partly because the defenders burned their ships with mysterious Greek Fire.
What is Constantinople?
This plague, carried by rats and fleas from Asia, burned through Europe for many years.
What is the Black Death?
These were the names of Columbus' 3 ships.
What are the NiƱa, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria?
This huge desert blocked the land-route into Southern Africa.
What is the Sahara Desert?
The Ming Emperors built a huge new palace that no one else was allowed to enter, and they called it this.
What is the Forbidden City?
Turkish tribes from central Asia would go on to conquer Constantinople and found this powerful empire, which apparently has no relation to the piece of living room furniture.
What is the Ottoman Empire?
This young girl led the French to victory against the English, but was later captured and killed.
Who is (St.) Joan of Arc?
His expedition was the first to round South America, and circumnavigate ("go all the way around") the globe.
Who was Ferdinand Magellan?
What is 'The Dark Continent?'
Babur invaded this city in India. (He was NOT looking for thin cuts of lunch meat).
Suleiman and his Ottoman Turks renamed Constantinople to this.
What is Istanbul?
The first of the English civil wars are known by this floral name.
What are the Wars of the Roses? (War of the Roses is also acceptable)
North and South America are named after this Italian Explorer.
Who is Amerigo Vespucci?
He was the first explorer to sail around Africa to reach India.
Who is Vasco Da Gama?
Magellan died in battle on the far eastern edge of the world, during a tribal war on these islands.
What are the Phillipines?
The Black Death traveled to Europe across this trade route with China.
What is the Silk Road?
The French prince sent a package of these along with his message to the English King Henry V.
What are tennis balls?
He was the Portuguese prince who founded a famous school of navigation.
Who is Prince Henry (The Navigator)
This is a tool used by sailors to navigate at sea. (Multiple Answers Accepted)
What is a Compass/Astrolabe/Sextant/Map/Star Chart.