The first step to beginning a get together
Greet your guests
___________ get to pick the activities
A mutual friend is _______
A friend that you have in COMMON
(a friend who is also friends with your date)
You should not give out your personal contact information at first because you can't _________ someone if you don't know them.
It is important to remember that friendship is a _________
When ending a get together it is important to wait for a ______________ in the activity
Rules for get togethers include: DON'T _________
Don’t invite other people unexpectedly into your get-togethers
Don’t ignore your friends
Don’t police your friends
Don’t tease your friends
Don’t argue with your friends
Elina is interested in Chris and wants to find out if he is dating anyone. When she talks to Chris, what should Elina do first?
1. Trade information and find common interests
2. Ask about social activities related to the common interest
3. Casually work dating into the conversation
Example: “….did you go with your boyfriend/ girlfriend?”
4. Give a cover story for asking
5. Shift the conversation back to the common interest
A restaurant, park, or coffee shop is a good place to go on a first date with someone you don't know well because these are ____________ places.
Giving too many physical compliments is a problem because ______________
It may seem like you're only interested in their looks.
When ending a get together you should use a __________ story to tell your guests why you are ending the get together.
cover story
Rules for get togethers include: DO __________
Trade information
Be a good sport
Do stick up for your friends
Suggest a change if your or your friends get bored
Keep it short and sweet at first
One way you can let someone know you like them is to ____________________
Flirt with your eyes & body language
Give compliments
Talk to mutual friends
Always tell _________________ and _______________ when you will be going on a date with a new person
friends and family
"I like your shirt" is an example of a ____________ compliment.
When beginning a get together, you should offer your guests ______________
snacks/ drink
Get togethers should be based on _______________
activities and common interests
When giving compliments, you should only use general compliments with people that you _____________
know well
Meeting your date for the first time in their apartment or dorm is a bad idea because ________________
There are less people around
Risk of being alone and pressured
You might not be familiar with the environment
"You're so funny" is an example of a ____________ compliment.
When beginning a get together in your own space (dorm room or house/apartment), you should show your guests _________________
Show them around your space including where the restroom is
During get togethers you should try to trade information at least______% of the time.
50 %
When giving compliments, use specific compliments with people that you ____________________
don't know well
*Also OK to use with people you DO know well
How can you find out information about someone you want to date before you meet?
Social media
Google search
Talk to mutual friends
List the 4 steps for flirting with your eyes
1. Make eye contact
2. Give a slight smile (not a big smile, no teeth)
3. Look away
4. Repeat