Health class should actually be called ______
What is Decision Making 101
Sleep, nutrition, and exercise can be considered what aspect of well being
What is physical health
A risk can usually end in _____
Injury disease or a negative outcome
This environment is made up of the people you associate/hangout with
What is social environment
Bobby decides to not hang out with his friend Billy after finding out that billy is part of the cartel. Billy lashes out at Bobby. Bobby is saddened for losing a friend and now has no one to talk to. What aspect of his wellbeing is affected? (hint there is 3 aspects)
Social health
who is more in charge of a freshmans health the freshman, their grandma, or their parents?
Self esteem falls under what aspect of wellbeing
What is Mental health
These two concepts of risk taking are NEVER guarantees of safety!
What is precautions and taking a risk
Air quality,weather,crime are an example of this______ environment
What is physical environment
Risk factors that we can control. That are driven by the person's decisions. Using drugs, partaking in unsafe sexual acts, drinking alcohol are an example of this risk factor.n (They affect physical,mental,social health)
What is Behavioral risk factor
Billy has a hereditary disease passed down called cystic fibrosis he is angry because of this and it's affecting his mental health. Should he be angry at this biological risk factor?
What is no-control
Social health is the ______ of you and others
what is relationships
Bobby is 12 years old he sees a cop car sitting at a 7/11 with the keys in the ignition. He gets into the car and drives off this is an example of a _______
what is unreasonable risk.
Religious upbringings, education, race/ethnicity are part of this______ environment
what is cultural
How well your body functions, you have enough energy for daily tasks, not physically sick is the definition for
what is physical health
What is the last E in decide stand for?
What is evaluate the results.
The BALANCE of these three aspects of health physical, mental, and social is
What is wellness
Bobby crashed a stolen cop car into an embankment and broke both of his arms in the crash. He has been sentenced to 15 years in jail. 15 years in jail is an example of a ________ for the risk he took.
What is a consequence
Bobby wears his life jacket while riding in a boat this is an example of a ______
Bobby is using the decide method to make a decision that aligns with his values. He is being pressured to drink alcohol, but he is an epileptic. Drinking may trigger his seizure what are his values?
Value= health= the right decision= what would your parents do =what would santa do = what is the goodness of your heart telling you
The Mental health aspect of well being is how you feel about____
What is yourself (remember the voice inside your head)
If your mental, physical, and social health are not in good shape what will suffer?
What is your health
Risk factors that are passed down from biological parents or relatives are called _______ risk factors
What is hereditary
Risk factors that have to do with our surroundings are?
What is environmental risk factors
can be controlled somewhat, deal with our surroundings, cultural and social surroundings
How you feel about your self can be called _____ health