Phrasal Verbs
Phrasal Verbs
Creating Present Perfect Questions
Present Perfect or Simple Past?

Tonight I have to look my sister after/look after my sister.

Tonight I have to look after my sister.


I can't hear the radio, turn it/them ______.

a. down

b. up

c. back

d. out

I can't hear the radio, turn it up.


Write a question using How long and the present perfect tense. 

you / be / married

How long have you been married?


Answer the question using present perfect + for/since.

How long have you been married?

I __________________ 20 years. 

I have been married for 20 years. 


She was/She's been sick since May.

She's been sick since May.


Let's go out this evening/go this evening out.

Let's go out this evening.


Your clothes are all over the floor, pick it/them ______.

a. down

b. up

c. back

d. out

Your clothes are all over the floor, pick them up


Write a question using How long and the present perfect tense. 

your / sister / have her new car

How long has your sister had her new car?


Answer the question using present perfect + for/since.

How long have you been afraid of flying?

I _________________ I was 15 years old.

I have been afraid of flying since I was 15 years old.


The city changed/The city has changed a lot since I was a child. 

The city changed a lot since I was a child.


I don't like shopping for clothes online. I prefer to try them on/try on them before I buy them.

I don't like shopping for clothes online. I prefer to try them on before I buy them.


Remember that money I lent you? When can you give it/them ______?.

a. down

b. up

c. back

d. out

Remember that money I lent you? When can you give it back?


Write a question using How long and the present perfect tense. 

they / live / in this town

How long have they lived in this town?


Answer the question using present perfect + for/since.

How long has your sister had her new car?

She _________________ three weeks.

She has had her new car for three weeks.


I met/ I've met Sandra when I was/have been on vacation in Thailand. 

I met Sandra when I was on vacation in Thailand. 


We're meeting my mother tomorrow. I think you'll really get along with her/get along her with.

We're meeting my mother tomorrow. I think you'll really get along with her.


To get your visa, there are three forms. Please fill it/them ______.

a. down

b. up

c. back

d. out

To get your visa, there are three forms. Please fill them out. 


Write a question using How long and the present perfect tense. 

you / know your boyfriend 

How long have you known your boyfriend?


Answer the question using present perfect + for/since.

How long have you known your boyfriend?

I _________________ last May. 

I have known my boyfriend since last May. 


"Where does your brother live?"

"In San Diego."

"How long ____________ there?" (he / live)

"Only for six months. He _______ there last September." (move)

"How long has he lived there?"

"Only for six months. He moved there last September."


What time do you get in the morning up/get up in the morning?

What time do you get up in the morning?


"Is the game on TV?"

"I don't know, turn it/them ____ and see."

a. down

b. up

c. back

d. out

"Is the game on TV?"

"I don't know, turn it on and see."


Write a question using How long and the present perfect tense. 

Dan / be in this class 

How long has Dan been in this class?


How long have you had your cat?

We ___________________ about two years.  

We have had our cat for about two years. 


"My brother and his wife get along very well."

"How long ____________ married?" (they / be)

"They _________ married since 2015. They _____ in college." (be / meet)

"Really? What college ___________ to?" (they / go)

"My brother and his wife get along very well."

"How long have they been married?" 

"They have been married since 2015. They met in college."

"Really? What college did they go to?"
