Change the verb to the correct form:
I (see) a movie last weekend.
When I go shopping, I always use a __________ bag.
responsible -- reduceable -- reuseable -- recyclable
Find the mistake and correct this sentence:
"That teacher's class is very interested."
That teacher's class is very interesting.
What did you do last weekend?
Which American holiday happens in October?
Change the verbs to the correct form:
We (be) (play) a game in class today.
are playing
Smoking is __________ in this building.
professional -- proposed -- pronounced -- prohibited
Find the mistake and correct this sentence:
"I always drink cup of tea with breakfast."
"I always drink a cup of tea with breakfast."
What time do you usually wake up?
I usually wake up at...
What is a jack-o-lantern made of?
A pumpkin!
Change the verbs to the correct form:
She (have) (go) to China three times
has gone
Thanks to __________ advancements, electric cars are getting better and better.
scientifical -- technological -- environmental -- medical
Find the mistake and correct this sentence:
"There are many persons waiting at the train station."
There are many people waiting at the train station.
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go?
I would go to...
What animal pulls Santa's sleigh?
Change the verbs to the correct form:
I couldn't play soccer because I (have) (break) my leg.
had broken
When I broke my leg, the doctor gave me a __________.
pain stopper -- pain lower -- pain killer -- pain leaver
pain killer
Find the mistake and correct this sentence:
"The toy was broken so I threw away it."
"The toy was broken so I threw it away."
People should...
What colors do Americans decorate with on the 4th of July (also called Independence Day)?
Red, White, and Blue!
Change the verbs to the correct form:
The ground is wet, so it must (have) (be) (rain) last night.
have been raining
Starting next year, the government will __________ higher taxes on gasoline.
impose -- expose -- propose -- suppose
Find the mistake and correct this sentence:
"The earthquake happened a tsunami."
"The earthquake caused a tsunami."
Do you think students should use smartphones at school? Why?
I think... because...
What do Americans usually eat instead of Christmas cake?
Christmas cookies!