What are the two key aspects of Step One?
Powerlessness and unmanageability
Reservations leave the door open for _________
What are the three points of the Triangle of Self-Obsession?
Resentment, Anger, and Fear.
What is step 2,word for word?
"We came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity."
What does PAWS stand for?
Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome
What does "powerlessness" mean in the context of addiction?
It means we have lost the ability to control our using.
True or False. Not working a program of recovery AKA "white knuckling it" is a form of reservation.
What is spiritual principal should we practice to replace resentment?
Does Step Two require us to believe in a specific concept of God or religion?
No, it allows each person to define a Power greater than themselves in a way that makes sense to them.
How long can PAWS symptoms last?
6 months - 2 years
What is known as the H.O.W of recovery?
Honesty, Open-Mindedness, and Willingness
When I let go of all reservations I _______ completely.
What is spiritual principal should we practice to replace anger?
What is the primary spiritual principal in Step 2?
Why does PAWS happen even after the body has physically detoxed from substances?
The brain is still healing from the effects of addiction
_______ is a part of our disease that makes it difficult, if not impossible, for use to acknowledge reality.
Until we let go of our reservations, no matter what they are, Our recovery is in ______
What is spiritual principal should we practice to replace fear?
How did Father Martin break down "We came to believe"?
We came
We came to
We came to believe
If you are having sleep disturbances, what can you do to help?
Establish a nighttime routine, avoid caffeine, limit screen time before bed, practice relaxation techniques, and stay consistent with sleep and wake times.
What is the difference between Step 1 in AA and Step 1 in NA?
AA -Powerless over Alcohol
NA- Powerless over Addiction
Give an example of a common reservation an addict might have.
“If I ever lose a loved one, I’ll use again.” or “I can still drink because alcohol wasn’t my drug of choice.”
Who wrote the Triangle of Self-Obsession?
Greg P
What is the spiritual part of our disease?
Our total self-centeredness
What are two common emotional symptoms of PAWS?
Depression, anxiety, mood swings, or irritability.