This machine that is used to lift or move loads is comprised of a bar that rests on a support called a fulcrum
A lever?
Wish someone good luck before a performance or event:
Break a ---
(Fr: Merde)
Break a leg
Someone who is sneaky or deceitful:
A ----- in the grass
(FR: Un serpent à deux têtes)
A snake in the grass
Question: An elevator travels 10 floors up in 30 seconds. Assuming the speed remains constant, how long will it take to go from the 2nd floor to the 8th floor?
a) 15 seconds
b) 18 seconds
c) 20 seconds
d) 25 seconds
b) 18 seconds
The elevator moves at 3 seconds per floor
Why did the computer go to the doctor?
It had a virus.
A bottle cap or the metal end of a lightbulb are examples of this type of machine
A screw
To do very well on a test.
--- a test.
(Fr: Réussir un test haut la main)
Ace a test
Something that will never happen:
When ---- fly
(Fr: Quand les poules auront des dents)
When pigs fly
A clock loses 10 minutes every hour. If it is set to the correct time at midnight, what time will it show at noon the next day?
It will show 10:00 AM because it loses 2 hours in 12 hours.
Why was the math book sad?
It had too many problems.
This machine uses grooved wheels and a rope to raise, lower, or move a load.
A pulley
To study hard:
--- the books
(FR: Aller potasser)
Hit the books
Visitors, who keep prolonging a visit, can get to be really annoying, fast:
Guest and ---- stink after three days
(FR: Invités qui s'attardent, invités qu'on poignarde)
Guest and fish stink after three days
If 6 students each have 6 chocolates, and they each give away all their chocolates to 6 more students evenly, how many chocolates does each of the new students get?
1 chocolate each! (Each student originally has 6 chocolates, making a total of 36 chocolates. Since there are 6 new students, each gets 36 ÷ 6 = 6 chocolates!)
The more you take out of it, the bigger it gets. What is it?
A hole
A ramp is an example of this type of machine.
An inclined plane
To skip a class without permission:
--- class
(FR: Sécher un cours)
Cut class
To reveal a secret:
Let the --- out of the bag
(FR: Vendre la mèche)
Let the cat out of the bag
A farmer has 20 chickens. All but 3 run away. How many chickens does he have now?
3 chickens.
The phrase “all but 3” means that 3 chickens remained.
What gets wetter the more it dries?
A towel.
The rod at the center of a wheel.
An axle
Meeting the standard or expectation:
Up to ---
(FR: Être à la hauteur)
Up to par
Directly from the source:
Straight from the -----'s mouth
(FR: De source sûre)
Straight from the horse's mouth
If you multiply me by 4 and subtract 10, you get 90. What am I?
A mistake! No such number satisfies this equation.
What kind of tree fits in your hand?
A Palm tree