A glowing ball of gas
the resistance that one surface or object encounters when moving over another.
define apex predator
Ms. Ortiz's first name.
the action or process of converting waste into reusable material
The third planet from the sun
The 3 states of matter
something an organism has or does that helps it survive is known as ___________
an adaptation
What is Ms. Ortiz's favorite drink?
Name 3 pieces of lab safety equipment
goggles, lab coat, eye washer, fire extinguisher, first aid kit, gloves etc
The supercontinent that existed before all the continents separated.
Who was the scientist to propose the 3 laws of motion
Isaac Newton
You are given a sample mixture containing calcium carbonate, glucose, iron fillings, and silica sand. Which of the materials could be separated out with a magnet?
What are iron fillings?
How many children does Ms. Ortiz have?
name 2 steps of the scientific method (there are 6 total)
observation, research, hypothesis, experiment, analysis, conclusion
define light year
the distance that light travels in one year
Energy is measured in ______
This process eventually restores or recycles some materials back to the soil after a plant or animal's death.
What is decomposition?
Has Ms. Ortiz lived in Houston all her life?
renewable: wind, solar hydro...
nonrenewable: oil, coal, nuclear energy, natural gas
How earthquakes form
tectonic plates moving past each other (transform plates)
Equation for Speed
The sun is a star that appears larger and brighter than others stars because it is ____________.
What is closer to earth than other stars?
How old is Ms. Ortiz?
The dropping of a weathered rock at the end of erosion.
What is deposition?