Developing Eye-Hand Coordination
Art as a Natural Language
Becoming a Writer
How Reading Emerges
Small motor development peaks during the preschool years with the maturation of prehension, which is defined as this.
What is the coordination of the fingers and thumb to permit grasping?
At first, young children think that illustrations in the book are the same as this.
What is the text or what tells the story?
These are 3 types of environmental print.
What are …..cereal boxes, signs in the environment, labels in the classroom, etc?
Reading aloud to children daily is important because of this.
What are it makes children love reading, helps them understand reading processes, how to hold a book, story elements, etc.?
Eye-hand coordination is a combination of small-motor and perceptual-motor development that allows children to do this.
What is ultimately use their hands and fingers to write?
When young children paint one color on top of another, they are in this playful exploration stage.
What is manipulation?
Writing can emerge naturally when children are given the opportunity to do these things.
What are practice, explore, use different implements, choose what to write/draw about, etc?
Storyboard activities are excellent to use with preschoolers because of these 2.
What are: it helps them understand the story more, they get to be involved in the telling of the story, it helps them remember what is happening in the story, and it makes it fun?
Name 3 activities that help children develop eye-hand coordination.
What are cutting with scissors, stringing beads, rolling play dough, stacking blocks, constructing objects, pounding nails, etc?
Children who paint the same thing on the paper over and over are in this stage.
What is mastery?
These are some of the first letters that children are interested in learning to write.
What are the letters in their name?
These are 3 response activities you could do in your preschool classroom after reading a story to your children.
What are reenact the story, use puppets to act out the story, write a letter to a character, pretend to be the character, make up a song/rhyme, make masks for the characters, etc.?
These are 3 skills used when cooking that promotes either pre-reading or pre-writing skills.
What are stirring, grinding, squeezing, mashing, peeling, cutting, grating, sifting, pouring, rolling out dough, recipe charts, following directions, sequencing?
Children everywhere draw their first humans the same, which can be described as this.
What is a round face with arms and legs attached?
These are 3 ways that names are used within the preschool classroom.
What are songs with kids’ names, names written on cubbies, class book with names, picture/name match at centers, name puzzles, etc.?
Predictable books are defined as this.
What are books with rhymes, rhythms or repetitive or cumulative episodes, so children join in?
Children’s development is from the brain-downward and the trunk-outward. This is referred to as…
What are cepholacaudal and proximodistal?
These are 3 ways to encourage scribbling in your classroom.
What are telling children how well they are working, displaying pages of their scribbles in the halls and classroom, suggesting using different drawing/coloring utensils, have them try other media (finger paints), etc?
These are 5 ABC activities to do in the preschool classroom that promote writing or pre-writing skills.
What are shaving cream letters, sorting magnetic letters, sign-up sheets, ABC books, computer ABC programs, playing games with letters, making letters with play dough or wiki stix, etc?
Preschool teachers need to focus more on engaging children in reading experiences and loving literacy instead of teaching rote skills (like decoding or letter of the week) because of this.
What are skills are only a small part of what children need to learn, word sounds and letter names are isolated skills, children need the opportunity to emerge into reading their own way, and teaching isolated skills is not developmentally appropriate for 3-5 year old children?