Early Cold War
Cold War Outside Europe
Civil Rights
Extras *No Silly Business :(*

This side of Germany was occupied by the Soviets after WW2 and was not undemocratic

East Germany


It's called the (Blank) War because it never turned into a "hot" war with direct combat between the Soviets and Americans

Cold War


"Ask not what your country can do for you, but what what you can do for your country", leadership during the Cuban Missile Crisis, and the New Frontier Plan are parts of this man's Presidency from 1961-'63



This man rallied support for the Civil Rights Movement using non-violent protest to win over the public over time, gave the "I Have a Dream" Speech, and was assassinated in 1968. All while 5'7"

Martin Luther King Jr.

Name for Nuclear drills in schools

Duck and Cover


This plan granted money to rebuilding nations in Europe to win over allies and help rebuild after WW2

Marshall Plan


You could argue this war in Asia from 1950-1953 either ended in a win or a stalemate between the Communist North and Non-Communist South 

Korea War


This former General who became President used the 101st Airborne to escort Black students into Central Little Rock High School, was the first to send military advisors to Vietnam, and promised Massive Retaliation against the Soviets should they strike



The NAACP was a civil rights organization founded by:

WEB DuBois


The actor turned President associated with tax cuts and deregulation for businesses and scaling back the federal government. Also associated with the "Star Wars Program" to shoot down nuclear missiles 

Ronald Reagan 


The Truman Doctrine was to (Blank) the spread of communism



The CIA led attempt to send Cuban exiles into Cuba to overthrow Castro's Communist government ended in failure

Bay of Pigs Invasion


He took over for JFK, adopted the Great Society Program to combat poverty in the US, and increased American troop presence in Vietnam. It's not Lebron James

LBJ (Lyndon B. Johnson)


The Reconstruction Amendments are the 13th, 14th, and 15th. Which amendment made it illegal to keep someone from voting based on skin color?

15th Amendment


White city dwellers leaving cities and moving to the suburbs during the Civil Rights era is known as: 

White Flight


This organization was made to prevent future world wars and replace the old, ineffective League of Nations

United Nations (UN)


To contain the spread of communism was the reason the US was involved in the (Blank) War from 1964-1973. It was also the first war the US lost

Vietnam War


The Rosenbergs were convicted of spying for the Soviets and passing along nuclear secrets. That gave the rise to (Blank)-ism which became synonymous with accusations based on rumor and little evidence



This Texan teacher turned President signed into law the Civil Rights Acts of 1964 and 1968 as well as the Voting Rights Act of 1965

Lyndon Johnson (LBJ)


The world held its breath in 1962 when this crisis in the Caribbean made the world think it was about to experience Nuclear War. Thankfully, the missiles were never fired and led to demand for nuclear regulation

Cuban Missile Crisis


NATO was an alliance system made to prevent the spread of Soviet, Communist influence into West Europe. What was the name of the Communist alliance system led by the USSR?

Warsaw Pact


Nixon's plan for ending the Vietnam War was the gradual replacement of American troops with South Vietnamese troops is called what?



This President associated with Detente and Vietnamization and the Watergate Scandal caused this President to be the first ever to resign from the Presidency in 1974

Richard Nixon


IDEA is a law designed to aid students with disabilities while this law was made to accommodate and prevent discrimination against people with disabilities.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)


Separate But Equal is associated with this court case in 1896 that gave rise to further Jim Crow Segregation. This court case in 1954 ruled Separate But Equal unconstitutional and led to the desegregation of public spaces

Plessy v. Ferguson and Brown v. Board of Education
