Academic Vocabulary
Context Clues
Test Taking Tips
POV/Author's Purpose
What is the definition of the word "explain?"
What is to make something more clear by using details, facts or ideas
Ms. Comproski bursts into the classroom, slams the door and throws her bag on the ground. You can infer that she is ...
What is mad, angry, upset, not in a good mood
John was so hungry he didn't leave a single particle on his plate. Based on your context clues, what does the word particle mean?
What is a piece
How many days do you have to take the NYS ELA Exam?
What is three days
A menu for a local pizzeria listing the sizes and prices of pizzas and available toppings. What is the author's purpose?
What is to inform
What is the definition of "identify?"
What is to name and describe
Two cars are parked at a stop light. The second car is honking its horn. What can you infer?
What is the light has turned green and the first car should go through the light.
Even though Max had a good job and a family, he yearned for more. Based on your context clues, what does the word yearned mean?
What is wanted, longed for
How much time do you have to take the test each day?
What is as long as you want, the test is untimed.
I was so tired I felt like I could fall asleep in the middle of class. What is the author's point of view?
What is first person
What is the definition of summarize?
What is to tell the main points or important parts
When I woke up there were branches and leaves all over the front yard. What can you infer happened during the night?
What is there was a storm
After studying for twelve hours, Rob was growing weary. Based on your context clues, what does the mean weary mean?
What is tired, worn out
What are two things you should do before you read a text?
What is read the questions, number your paragraphs, read the title, scan the text, make a prediction
A speech written by a famous basketball player urging young people to stay in school. What is the author's purpose?
What is to persuade
What is the definition of "central idea?"
What is the main points an author has to say about a topic. It's the gist of a text.
Avery watched as her new next-door neighbors moved in. She observed a tall man carrying a bicycle and a kayak into the garage. She also saw a young woman carrying a surfboard through the front door. You can infer that... a. her new neighbors are elderly b. her new neighbors have several children c. her new neighbors like to spend time outdoors d. her new neighbors are kind and generous
What is C
Martin, you need to cease tapping your pencil because other people are trying to concentrate.
What is stop
When you are given certain lines to focus on in a question, what should you also make sure you read?
What is the lines before and after the section
Timmy was rushing to get to school because he was going on a field trip. What is the author's point of view?
What is third person
What is the definition of "analyze?"
What is to carefully examine the parts of something
As I walked in the door, I was amazed at the beautiful colors and smells. I knew it would be hard to decide what I would buy with my $3. The chocolate truffles looked delicious, but they were expensive. The jelly beans were not only cheaper, but so colorful! With so much to choose from, I knew I would be here a long time. Where can you infer this person is?
What is a candy store
When other parents heard that Sally won the baking contest, her mother's email inbox was flooded with inquiries for her award winning muffin recipe. Based on the context clues, what does the word inquiry mean?
What is asking, questions, wondering
What are some things you MUST remember to do on short responses?
What is use RFTITC, answer the question completely, use textual evidence, write in complete sentences, don't make it personal, etc.
A book of over 1,000 knock-knock jokes What is the author's purpose?
What is to entertain