In "Sun and North Wind" what did Sun and North Wind often fight about?
who was stronger
That computer costs an arm and a leg!
it's expensive
If "tele" means far away, and "vis" means to see, what is a television?
something that lets you see things that are far away
What does the word "misunderstood" mean if the prefix "mis-" means "wrong"?
a) Understood incorrectly
b) Understood perfectly
c) A mystery
understood incorrectly
What are 2 things that make this story stand out as fiction?
animals talk, magic ring
he melted a stream
I'm not sure that patch is going to hold, I guess we will have to go back to the drawing board.
think of some new ideas
If "therm" means heat and "meter" means measure, what does a thermometer do?
measures heat
Think About It: If the prefix "sub-" means "under," which of these words makes sense?
a) Submarine
b) Subtract
c) Subway
What is the solution to get Gigi off of the mountain?
they have mouse get the ring from Maliarda's house
What genre of traditional literature does the selection best fit: a fable, a fairy tale, or tall tale?
That company cuts corners when building their vehicles, so they are known for breaking down quickly.
make something cheaply or badly
If the root "hydr" means "water," what do you think "dehydrated" means?
down on water
Match the prefix to its meaning.
a) Too much
b) Not or opposite of
c) Before
How the El Capitan mountain got its name.
being kind and gentle with others is better than being forceful
After 10 years, his computer finally decided to kick the bucket.
If "struct" means build, what is a structure?
Which Word Fits? Choose the word that uses the prefix "post-" correctly.
a) Pretest
b) Postgame
c) Postcard
What lesson does Gigi learn?
What does Sun mean when he says, "True strength does not come from force alone,"?
being strong means you are strong enough to set aside your pride and help others
I wasn’t going to go to the party, but my friends twisted my arm and got me to go.
If "bio" means life, and "logy" is the study of, what is biology?
the study of life
The prefix "inter-" means "between." What does the word "internet" mean?
between networks
How was Gigi's mistake with the ring similar to the mistake that the two bear cubs made?
they both didn't listen to the warning not to do something.