Coping Skills/Skills learned.
Social Anxiety
Urge Surfing
Toxic Positivity

What are boundaries? 

Boundaries are anything that marks a limit, that protects from emotional harm. Boundaries can be physical or emotional, and they can vary depending on the person, the situation, and the context.


What is a coping skill? 

Coping skills are the thoughts and behaviors you engage in that help you manage stress and emotions. 


Is social anxiety common? 



What is an urge? 

a strong desire or impulse 


What is toxic positivity? 

  • The excessive and ineffective overgeneralization of happy optimistic state across all situations

  • The act of avoiding, suppressing, or rejecting negative emotions/experiences

  • When encouraging statements are expected to minimize painful emotions creating pressure to be unrealistically optimistic without considering the circumstances of the situation


What is an example of a boundary? 

  • Declining anything you don’t want to do
  • Expressing your feelings responsibly
  • Talking about your experiences honestly
  • Addressing problems directly with the person involved, rather than with a third party
  • Making your expectations clear rather than assuming people will figure them out

What are some examples of coping skills? 

  • Establishing and maintaining boundaries
  • Practicing relaxation strategies such as deep breathing, meditation, and mindfulness
  • Getting regular physical activity

What is social anxiety? 

  1. Feeling uncomfortable in social situations

  2. Can be in all social situations or in specific situations or with certain people

  3. Fear based:

  • Embarrassment

  • Rejection

  • Looking or feeling foolish


How long does an urge last? 

A short time. 


What is an example of toxic positivity? 

  • Brushing off problems rather than facing them

  • Hiding your true feelings behind feel good quotes that seem socially acceptable

  • Minimizing other people's feelings because they make you uncomfortable 

  • Shaming other people when they don’t have a positive attitude

  • Feeling guilty about being sad, angry or disappointed


Why is saying "no" important? 

Saying No sends a message to the world that you have your own needs, wishes and priorities. Saying no means, you are able to defend yourself against other people’s demands. 


What are some skills you learned this week at Kiwi?

Forgiveness, stop/improve, managing my cravings, saying "no", ride the wave, embracing imperfections, etc.  


How does/can social anxiety impact your life? Give an example. 

Can impact many areas of your life such as school, career, and relationships


What is urge surfing? 

Urge surfing is a technique for managing your unwanted behaviors. Rather than giving in to an urge, you will ride it out, like a surfer riding a wave.


Why is toxic positivity harmful? 

  • Shame. Emotions we are feeling are “unacceptable” or invalid

  • Guilt. Sends a message you're not find the positives 

  • Avoids authentic human emotions

  • Prevents personal growth. Denies the ability to face challenges that can lead to personal growth and deeper insight. 

  • Fuels comparison with others

  • Invalidating, can feel like a rejection of any other emotion except for happy


What are some consequences for people who are unable to say no?

  • They feel taken advantage of, helpless in the face of demands other make on their time, space or money

  • Spending energy on only others (activities that give them little pleasure/satisfaction, and they end up having little time for those things that could provide real happiness)


What are some topics you learned about in Kiwi this week? 

Toxic positivity, trauma/addiction, social anxiety, cycles of anxiety, "5 minute plan", power of play, etc. 


What is the cycle of social anxiety in terms of avoidance? 

Cycle of feeling anxious, then avoiding the situation, this signals to yourself that it’s too much or you can’t handle it


4 Stages of Urge Surfing 

1. Trigger

2. Rise

3. Peak

4. Fall 


Is there a connection between toxic positivity and social media? Give an example. 


Hiding your true feelings behind feel good quotes that seem socially acceptable

Only showing the positives of life  


What are the 3 Basic Steps for Setting Limits? 

1. Acknowledging the other person’s needs

2. Stating your own position

3. Saying no


What are your top 5 coping skills/skills to use? 

can be anything client finds helpful that is appropriate. 


Important to take ____ steps to build tolerance in terms of social anxiety 



What can you do while you have an urge? 

Wait it out, distract yourself, etc. 


How to avoid toxic positivity? 

  • Remind yourself that “its okay to not be okay” and be realistic about how you feel

  • Manage negative emotions, but don’t deny them

  • Remind yourself that you can feel more than one thing at a time

  • Not everything needs to have a silver lining
