When you enter the classroom, what is the first thing you should do?
Put my phone/headphones away.
What must be done before being able to leave the classroom?
Warm Up
Fill in the blanks:
Classroom supplies are ________ NOT _________.
When does homework have to be done to receive full credit?
Before the CSA for that unit.
How do I know you are ready to move on at the beginning of class?
All computers are closed.
Fill in the blank:
I cannot leave the classroom in the _________ 5 minutes of class.
What happens if supplies are not taken care of?
You are responsible for bringing your own. (OTHER THAN A PENCIL)
If homework is turned in after the CSA, what is the highest grade you can receive?
Half Credit
When should you pack up?
When the teacher instructs you to.
During instruction time, I should NOT...
A. Wander the room/talk to others across the room.
B. Sit quietly.
C. Fill out the required papers.
D. Participate in the activities.
A. Wander the room/talk to others across the room.
What should I do with supplies if I am not instructed to use them?
Leave them alone.
CFA's may be redone for....
A. Partial Credit
B. Full Credit
C. Half Credit
B. Full Credit
If you choose not to participate in class activities, what is your only other option?
Sit in assigned seat, no talking, and do nothing.
If I am late to class three times, what is the consequence?
10 minute detention and an office referral.
If supplies are broken what is the consequence?
Detention and if it is a continual problem write ups.
In order to receive full credit when retaking a CSA what must you do?
Complete the corrections first and then complete the retake with different questions on the same content.