Voice Levels

What should your voice level be while walking in the hallway? Examples: Walking to specials, the lunchroom, the library, or inside from recess? 

0 voice level


What do I do if I need to sharpen my pencil?

Give Ms. Gracheck the unsharp pencil and grab a sharpened pencil from the supply cart. 


Name two different times that it is appropriate to use the restroom. 

Before Morning Meeting.

During independent work time, as long as I am working. 



When I am finished with an assignment, where do I turn it in?
Turn in bin.

What does it mean to Pack and Stack?

When Ms. Gracheck says to pack and stack, she means to put all my materials away. For example, I need to put my pencil in my desk, put my notebooks in my book bin, and put my book bin on my desk. I need to stack my chair and make sure all the trash around my desk is cleaned up. I need to make sure that I have my lunch box, water bottle, jacket, any winter accessories, and my backpack placed on top of my desk. Once I have completed all that, I can go around and find the mystery piece of trash. Once Ms. Gracheck tells us that the mystery trash has been picked, I can make my way to the carpet for our Jeopardy game.


What should your voice level be when working with a partner?



What is the procedure if there is a drill? Example: fire drill, lockout/down drills, shelter-in-place drills, etc. 

Show STAR to the adult in the room. Listen and follow their instructions. Always be at a zero voice. 


How do I get the teacher’s attention? What is the consequence of interrupting the teacher?

Raise my hand. The first time I interpret Ms. Gracheck, I will receive a warning. The second time I interpret Ms. Gracheck, I will have to leave the lesson. The third time I interpret Ms. Gracheck, I will have to call home and explain to my parents why I am calling instead of learning. 


How do I keep track of my homework? How does Ms. Gracheck know I am completing my homework each night?  

I will need to write in my planner eachday to I know what my homework is for that night.

Ms. Gracheck will know I've completed my homework by seeing that my parent signed my planner. She will also know I've done my homework by me keeping track of my reading on my reading log and seeing my completed math homework. 


What is the consequence for not doing my homework?

Unless my parent notifies Ms. Gracheck the night before, I will have to make up my homework at recess.


What should your voice level be while working with a small group?



What should I do when I enter the classroom in the morning? Name three things. 

Unpack my belongings.

Use the restroom.

Make sure my supplies are ready for the day. (Both planner and homework out prepared for later in the morning) 

Fill my water. 

Be ready to get to the carpet when the timer goes off. 


Name two ways you should be prepared for class?

Use the restroom before Morning Meeting starts. 

Come with a filled water bottle. 

Have homework finished. 

Have a sharpened pencil. 

Have your material organized.  


If I don't understand an assignment, what do I need to do?

Ask three other classmates. If nobody knows the answer, I can raise my hand and ask Ms. Gracheck. 


What should it look like and sound like when you enter the classroom?

When I enter the classroom, I should be facing forward using my walking feet and coming in at a zero voice level.


When speaking in front of the class, what voice level should you use?

My speaker's voice, I need to be loud and proud in what I say.

What should you look and sound like when transitioning from the carpet to our tables?

Ms. Gracheck will say, "One," we stand up, and students with a chair will move to their desks. Ms. Gracheck will say, "Two," we move to our desk. We remain standing until Ms. Gracheck says, "Three." Once she says "Three," we can sit down. 

All this should be done at a 0 voice level.


When an adult at Tarver says "STAR," what do they expect to see?

S- Sit up tall

T- Track the speaker

A- Ask & Answer questions 

R- Respect what the speaker is saying. 


Should we come to school with a charged Chromebook every day? If you need to charge it, when is a good time to charge your Chromebook? 

Yes, my Chromebook should be charged every day when I come to school. 

Good times to charge our Chromebook is during Benchmark, science/social studies, specials, lunch/recess, writing, or at home. 


How do I ask to get a drink of water AND use the restroom?

To get water, I need to put three fingers in the shape of a W. I will wait until Ms. Gracheck tells me whether I can go.

To use the restroom, I need to use the hand signal for the restroom (R in sign language). I will wait until Ms. Gracheck tells me whether I can go. 


What should your voice level be if we have an emergency, like a fire or lockdown? 

0 voice level 


What should you look and sound like when transitioning from our tables to the carpet?

Ms. Gracheck will say, "Three," we stand up. Ms. Gracheck will say, "Two," we push in our chairs. We remain standing until Ms. Gracheck says, "One." Once she says "One," we move to the carpet and sit down.  

All this should be done at a 0 voice level.


What should it look and sound like when getting in, standing, and moving in line?

When getting in line, we wait for Ms. Gracheck to call our table. Once our table is called, we walk, at a zero voice level, to the line. Once we are in line, we wait, facing forward at a 0, for the rest of the class to get dismissed. Once the whole class is dismissed and facing forward at a zero, we will sing our hallway song. Then we proceed to the hallway, walking at a zero voice, looking at the back of the head of the person in front of us, and walking at a zero in the hallway. 


When another adult comes in our room, what should you look and sound like?

We should look like we are learning. It should look like students participating in whole groups, small groups, and independent work. 

It should sound like students are learning. Sometimes, we will be at a zero voice, a whisper voice, or using our speaker's voice. If an adult asks me a question, I can answer them quietly. 


What is the Calm Corner? How do I use it? How long can I be in the Calm Corner?

The Calm Corner is a place where I can go when I need to calm down or take a quick break to reset my brain and body. 

I choose 1-2 activities from the list to complete while in the Calm Corner. 

I can be in the Calm Corner for up to FIVE minutes. 
