Knowing the roles
IWork and MyHR
Job Expectations
Disciplinary Warnings
Sport Western Trivia

Who is supposed to keep track of the binder, walkie talkie, and medical supply kit?

The Group Leader.


Can shifts be traded on IWork?



What are the acceptable colours and logos for sweatshirts and pants, shorts, or skorts within the uniform?

Purple, white, black, grey. 

Logos allowed are "U.W.O.", "Western University", "Western Mustangs", "Mustangs", etc.


What level(s) of infraction(s) constitutes a formal meeting with both a Team Leader and the Sport Western Program Coordinator?

Yellow and Red Infractions with the post-meeting consequences varying.


What is the name of the Western mascot?



What channel do we use on the walkie talkies?

Channel 11.


When are timecards due?

LATEST, Sunday at noon to submit hours for the previous week.

(Preferred, Friday after your shift is over)


Are you allowed to have and use your phone while on the clock?

Phones are only to be used to contact Admin OR in an emergency. They should be in a backpack not accessible.

(NOTE: texting and social media are not tolerated on the job)


Name 3 Green Infractions and the procedure for addressing them.

Arriving late to a shift, failing to submit timecard on time, and not meeting uniform standards. 

These are addressed first by verbal warning and then with a written warning from a Team Leader. 


How long has Sport Western been around?

Over 35 years.


Who is supposed to participate in the activities with the campers?

BOTH the Group Leader AND Instructors.


What happens if a timecard is not submitted before Sunday at noon?

You will NOT be paid for the week that you missed the timecard on time. We will send reminders so, there is NO excuse. 


Can you have coffee/energy drinks while at work?

Yes, BUT they must be either consumer before the campers show up or in a travel cup. (EX. Yeti, Starbucks cup, etc.)


Name 3 Yellow Infractions, the procedure for addressing them, and the number that make up a Red.

Missing a shift, inappropriate language or content, posting on social media about Sport Western or the campers.

A formal meeting with a Team Leader and the Sport Western Program Coordinator with further disciplinary action to be discussed.

2 Yellows make a Red.


Where is the Sport Western Office?

In the WSRC next to Jugo Juice.


How often should you be doing head counts?

Group Leaders and Instructors should be doing head counts before leaving a location, after getting to a new location, and as frequently as possible in between. 

Make sure that you are talking with your coworkers to make sure you're getting the same count. 


How is your final payment amount calculated?

(Pay Rate x Hours Worked) - Taxes

You ALWAYS have to pay taxes.


What are you supposed to do if you see someone taking photos of a camper?

If comfortable, approach and tell them they cannot be taking photos of the children. Ask them to delete it from their photos and their recently deleted folder. 

If its a parent taking a photo of their child with other children in the background, as, them to delete the photo and change locations so that they have a different background. The reasoning here is because not every child has photo release.


How often are the staff files reviewed?

They are reviewed on a weekly basis.


Name 10 of the activities that we offer at Wild Western Days.

Archery, Badminton, Ball Hockey, Basketball, Capture the Flag, Dodgeball, European Handball, Flag Football, Flag Rugby, Lacrosse, Leadership Games, Mini-Games, Parachute Games, Soccer, Soccer Baseball, Soccer Basketball, Spikeball, Swimming, Tchoukball, Track & Field, Ultimate Frisbee, Volleyball, Underwater Volleyball, Yoga.


What are each of the Admins walkie talkie names and what are you supposed to call each of them for?

Jasmine - Sport Base (anything to do with registrations/attendance, concerns, questions, misc.)

Lucas - Sport 1 (important issues, questions, concerns)

Laura - Sport 2 (equipment, supplies, difficult campers)

Nathalia - Sport 3 (difficult campers, teacher contact, staff scheduling)

Lauren - Sport 4 (difficult campers, photos, WWD facility scheduling questions)


What is the name of the mandatory training module we went through as a group yesterday? (NO SEARCHING IT UP)

Supporting Disclosures of Gender-Based and Sexual Violence at Western (Employee Version).


What is the entire late procedure step-by-step.

1. Call the Sport Western Office (519-661-2007).

2. Text OR call a Team Leader with your group name, ETA, and why you're late.

3. Check in with a Team Leader upon arrival.

4. Have a debrief at the end of your shift to decide whether it warrants a Green, Yellow, or Red Infraction.


Name the 4 categories of Red Infractions and how they are addressed.

1. Theft or damage to equipment or property

2. Threatening, attempting, or causing bodily harm

3. Abusive language

4. Use, possession, or smelling of alcohol, drugs and/or banned substances while at work

A formal meeting with the Sport Western Program Coordinator and a Team Leader that is grounds for immediate termination.


What are the Sport Western phone and email?

519-661-2007 and
