When are the best times to use the restroom?
Before school, during lunch or recess, and after school.
What should you do when you arrive to the classroom in the morning?
Put your backpack on a hook, get a chair, eat your breakfast.
What should you do to clean up at the end of the day?
Throw away trash, put your books and personal items back in your desk.
How should you line up for lunch?
Quickly, quietly and in line order.
When can you sharpen your pencil?
Whenever the teacher says that it's okay. This is usually during group time or independent time.
How should you stand in line?
face forward, hands by your side, voices at level zero, walk at a low speed.
Where should you put your cold lunch?
In the lunch bucket.
What do you need to bring home each day?
Your homework, water bottle, food, lunch, extra clothing.
Name something you are not allowed to play during recess.
Name one rule you should follow when working with partners.
Stay on task.
Listen respectfully.
Take turns talking.
Level 1 voice.
Finish the work.
Why can't you run in the halls?
You might fall and get hurt.
What happens if you come to class after the morning bell?
You are tardy.
How can my team earn a treat at the end of the day?
Follow the rules and expectations in the classroom to earn points. The team with the most points at the end of the day wins.
When you want to get up during lunch, what do you need to do?
Raise your hand.
If you want to share an answer or say something in class, what should you do?
Raise your hand.
When does school start and end?
8:45 to 3:11
Why should you keep your desk clean?
So you can find all the papers, books, and materials you need.
When can you leave the classroom at the end of the day?
When Mrs. Bermudez dismisses me.
Name something you can do during recess to be kind to other students.
Say hello
Make friends with someone new.
What will happen if you put your hands on another student?
You will be sent to the office and RPC'd.
Name one school rule.
1. Be respectful.
2. Be safe.
3. Do your best at all times.
4. Make smart choices.
What work should you do first thing in the morning?
LIM binder, homework, read silently, finish any incomplete work.
How should you enter the classroom after lunch?
Quickly and quietly.
What should you do during lunchtime?
Use the restroom.
When the teacher is talking, what should you be doing?