What Type of Tool Is This?
Ethical and Legal
Why Observe?

The subjective thoughts/feelings that educators attach to their observations to better understand what has been seen. 

What is interpretation?


A highly detailed, narrative account of children's play, behavior, etc. that occurs usually over a period of about 5-15 minutes. 

What is a Running Record?


THIS responsibility outlines our need to record information in observations correctly, as they are seen, as opposed to relying on memory. 

What is accuracy?


We observe to uncover THESE that children have, as a way to ensure our environment is engaging for each child. 

What are interests? 


The raw data recorded onto an observation is ALWAYS written in this style, no matter the observation type.

What is objective?


This type of observation records the number of times a certain behavior or skill is demonstrated. 

What is a frequency count?


THIS responsibility describes the need to mask information about a child, or children, and ensure that only those who should have access to the information, do. 

What is confidentiality/anonymity? 


We observe to uncover and describe the THIS of each child, to ensure that our programming and environments are tailored to be appropriately challenging and supportive, and in-line with children's readiness. 

What is development? 

A collection of individual observations, work samples, about me information, and all other pertinent information about the child throughout their time within the program. 

What is a child portfolio?


This observation tool is written in past tense, like a story. 

What is an anecdotal recording?


THIS responsibility outlines our need to remember why observations are being taken--to support children in their developmental journeys, and not to embarrass, or 'build a case' against a child or a family. All our observations should follow this responsibility. 

What is intended purpose?


We observe to do THIS with families and co-educators. When we are all on the same page and work together, we can ensure the best possible experiences and outcomes for children. 

What is communicate/collaborate? 


The responsibilities that educators have that guide our observational approaches in terms of what we can and cannot do. 

HINT: The answer is listed in another category name!!

What is Ethical and Legal Responsibilities?


This observation tool details where children are playing/engaging in the room at various intervals. 

What is a time sample (or event sample)?


This responsibility outlines our need to share our observations with children's families, and to ensure we are providing each family with access to their child's days and developmental information. 

What is responsibilities to families?


We observe to do THIS to our programs, environments, approaches and interaction strategies. The better we can become, the better the program we provide for each child. 

What is improve?


Observation tools that focus on numerical (or countable) information as opposed to narratives or stories. 

What are quantitative observations? 


These are collections of children's creations such as art or building, and could also include language recordings and short videos. 

What is a Work Sample?


This responsibility describes our need to use only objective language and positive phrasing; we never categorize children's behaviors or personalities into derogatory or 'diagnostic' categories. 

What is no labelling?


We observe, and DO THIS with those observations. This helps ensure we are thinking deeply about what we have seen so as to make improvements and changes in direct response to our observations. 

What is reflect?
