Criterion VS Constraint
Problem Solving

What do you call engineered products and processes that meet a want or need?



Hailey missed her alarm clock in the morning for school. She was supposed to wake up around 6:30 a.m., but didn't wake up until 7:30 a.m. The bus picks her up at 8:00 a.m. Hailey needs to make her lunch, get ready, and have her mom sign a permission slip before she leaves. What is Hailey's criteria and constraint?

Criteria: Hailey needs to be ready before the bus picks her up for school.

Constraint: Time


What are the steps in the engineering process? Name at least 4 of the steps.

****Candy point if you can name all 7!!!

1. Ask: identify your needs

2. Research the problem

3. Imagine possible solutions

4. Plan by selecting promising solution

5. Create a prototype 

6.Test and evaluate the prototype

7.Improve and redesign as needed


Need: People wanted to talk with their family and friends when they weren't at the same place at the same time. 

What technology meets this need?

A phone


What kind of person uses science and math to design structures, machines, and systems to solve problems?

An engineer


Let’s say a team of engineers is asked to design a pair of kids’ tennis shoes for less than $20. They determine that the only way to manufacture shoes for this price is to use recycled materials. What is the team’s constraint?

The shoes must cost less than $20 to manufacture.


Alex wants to practice playing his guitar. His mother put his guitar on his top shelf when she was cleaning his room. What are the steps Alex can take to solve his problem? Put them in order from 1-5.

___Use the object to create more height such as turning it in to a tower.

___Asks himself how tall the object needs to be in order to reach the guitar

___Test the tower to see if it is tall enough or safe enough.

___Find a secure object he can stand on.

___If the plan fails, find a different object and test it out.

_3__Use the object to create more height such as turning it in to a tower

__1_Asks himself how tall the object needs to be in order to reach the guitar

_4__Test the tower to see if it is tall enough or safe enough.

__2_Find a secure object he can stand on.

_5__If the plan fails, find a different object and test it out.


Need: People did not want to yell loudly in order to share information with a large crowd of people.

What technology meet this need?

A microphone


What do you call a real-world limit on the resources of a solution, such as time, money, or materials?

A constraint


Susan needs to bake 24 cupcakes for the Halloween party on Saturday. It is Friday and Susan realizes she is missing the most important ingredient: butter. She decides to drive to the store that night and bake the cupcakes early the next morning before the party.

What is Susan's constraint?

Materials: She needs butter in order to make her cupcakes for tomorrow.


Cheyenne was riding her bike with her friends when all of a sudden her bike chain snapped. She was sad, but determined to fix her bike. Using the engineering process, what might Cheyenne do to fix her bike? Number the steps from 1-5.

___If her bike needs to move more smoothly, she can re-adjust the chain

___She will determine if she can repair the original chain or will have to buy a new one

___She will ask herself how the chain could have broke and where did it break.

___She will create a plan to place the chain on the bike.

___She will test the fixed chain to determine if it is truly fixed.

_5__If her bike needs to move more smoothly, she can re-adjust the chain

_2__She will determine if she can repair the original chain or will have to buy a new one

_1__She will ask herself how the chain could have broke and where did it break.

_3__She will create a plan to place the chain on the bike.

_4__She will test the fixed chain to determine if it is truly fixed.


Need: People did not want to wash their clothes by hand.

What technology meets this need?

A washer


What do you call desired features of a solution?



It is Jamil's first day back at school. His mom placed all of his school supplies inside his backpack. This caused his backpack to be extremely heavy and hardly anything could fit inside. He has to figure out how he can put his lunchbox in his bag. What are two different criterion for Jamil's problem? (Give 2 examples)

Examples could be: Jamil will need a bigger backpack, Jamil will need to carry two backpacks, Jamil will slowly bring a few supplies every day throughout the week, etc.


Camden lives in a house that doesn't have a fence in his backyard. In two days, his family will be getting a new puppy and they need to figure out how they can let the dog outside without it running away. How can Camden fix this problem before the puppy arrives? Number the steps in order from 1-5.

___He will identify the problem being his backyard isn't fenced which isn't safe for a puppy.

___When the puppy arrives, he will test the product he chose.

___If his plan didn't work, he will choose a different product to test with the puppy.

___He will plan on buying the product and plan on where it will go in the backyard.

___He will research which product is safer to use outside with puppies.

__1_He will identify the problem being his backyard isn't fenced which isn't safe for a puppy.

_4__When the puppy arrives, he will test the product he chose.

_5__If his plan didn't work, he will choose a different product to test with the puppy.

_3__He will plan on buying or making the product then plan on where it will go in the backyard.

_2__He will research which product is safer to use outside with puppies.


Need: People did not want to mix ingredients together by hand.

What technology meets this need?

A mixer


What is it called when you create, fashion, execute, or construct according to plan?



My family and I decided to go for a hike over the weekend. During our hike, we noticed the sky get dark then it started to rain. We ran back to the car to stay dry. Once the rain stopped, we started to drive away when our tires got stuck in the mud! What are 2 criterions for their problem?

Examples: The car needs to be pushed/pulled out of the mud, the family will make it home where it is dry and safe, etc.


What might be the problem with this photo and how could they solve it? (Tell me using steps)

Teacher will decide:

1.Did they define the problem or identify constraints?

2.Did they brainstorm a plan?

3. Did they create a prototype?

4. Did they test the prototype?

5. Did they state how they can improve?


Need: Scientists wanted to see and study creatures that are not visible to our eyes (meaning they are so small that our eyes cannot see them)

What technology meets this need?

A microscope
