Land between the two rivers
Name a Mesopotamian river.
Tigris or Euphrates.
Where did people pray?
In the Ziggurat.
City-states used to help each other all the time.
False. They were usually enemies unless there was a third party attacking them all.
Mesopotamians built houses with...
Mud, clay and hay.
What does "polytheism" mean?
Believe in more than one God.
Name an important Mesopotamian city.
Babylon or Nineveh.
How many Gods did Mesopotamians have?
More than 2000.
Mesopotamians gave all their surplus food to farm animals.
Complete the sentence.
What is a Ziggurat?
A praying temple in Mesopotamia where Gods used to live.
Where is Mesopotamia located on today's map?
Iraq/Syria region.
Mesopotamian Gods were only males.
Gilgamesh’s new friend’s name was Enkidu.
What is a scribe?
A person who writes or copies a scripture.
Why is the region called "Fertile Crescent"?
Because it looks like a crescent and this land area has fertile soil for farming.
All Mesopotamian gods had human shapes.
False. Anzu, for example, was half bird half human.
The cuneiform writing system started with pictograms.
Name an invention after the creation of the wheel during the Mesopotamian time.
Potter's wheel, plow, chariots...
What is Hammurabi's Code?
A set of laws created by the king Hammurabi.
Was Asia Minor part of Mesopotamia? Where exactly was it?
No. It is in today's Turkey.
Who performed religious ceremonies?
The priests.
Mesopotamia had 3 rivers.
False. It had 2!
Name 3 Mesopotamian inventions and explain them.
Various answers.