It was to late
Why didn't Pony and Johnny run away from the Socs?
David was drowning Ponyboy and the others were going to beat up Johnny.
What two things motivates Johnny to stab Bob?
First person POV
What Point of view is the novel?
Dally saved Johhny
Who went in the house to save Johnny?
Who is the author?
The electric chair
According to Ponyboy, what punishment would Johnny face if convicted.
They ran away and left Bob to die alone.
Which act proved that the Socs were bad friends.
According to Dally where do the police think the boys are?
Darry loved him
What did Ponyboy realize at the hospital?
What is the setting of the novel?
Rising Action
What part of the plot is going on?
Playing cards and read Gone with The Wind
What did the boys buy to pass the time?
The roof collapsed
Why didn't Johnny follow Ponyboy through the window?
He is afraid that Johnny will become hardened in jail.
Why doesn't Dally want Johnny to turn himself in?
When did the novel take place?
Scissors so they could cut their hair
What Johnny forget to buy at the store?
Money,dry clothes, a loaded gun, and a plan
What did Dally give the boys?
So Eden sank to grief
What does the poem mean?
He was to big to fit through the window
Why didn't Jerry go through the church window to help get the children out?
East side (Greasers)
What gang was from the East side?
"Hey, whatta ya know?" Interrogative
What type of sentence is it?
"Give the kid a bath, David" Imperative
What type of sentence is it?
Dally southern gentlemen
who did Johnny say was "gallant" like a southern gentlemen?
If the Socs win everything stays the same, but if Greasers win the Socs have to stay out of the East side.
What are the terms of the rumble?
West Side (Socs)
What gang was from the west side?