What does MOI stand for?
Carbohydrate are....
The most efficient source of energy
What is the most important nutrient for our body?
What does SOAP stand for?
What is a drug?
Chemical agent used in prevention, treatment, or diagnosis
How many phases of rehab are there?
What is the rule of thumb with exercise?
Shorter the exercise, more carbohydrates are used and longer the exercise, more fat is used
What is glucose?
What is the difference between rehab and prehab?
Rehab is returning a patient to competition from an injury
Prehab is trying to prevent injuries
What is the difference between administering and dispensing?
Administer is providing a single dose
Dispensing is multiple doses
What therapeutic interventions are used for acute injuries?
Cryotherapy and manual therapy
What condition occurs when insulin is not being produced or the body is resistant against insulin?
What is the SAID principle?
Your body will adapt to demands being placed on it
What does the NCAA stand for?
National collegiate athletic assocation
What are examples of anthropomorphic status?
Size, weight, gender, structure, strength
What two groups of vitamins do we have?
Fat soluble and water soluble
Supplements are not regulated by the....
What are the three different types of strength training?
Isometric, isotonic, isokinetic
What does the USOC stand for?
United States Olympic Committee
What are the phases of rehab?
Acute inflammatory, fibroblastic repair, maturation-remodeling phase
How much water makes up our body?
When you do not have a sufficient amount of protein in your body, what will happen?
Your body will start to break down other tissues to meet the needs
What are the four different types of stretching?
Static, dynamic, ballistic, PNF
What are drugs used for?
Infections, pain, inflammation, GI, cold/allergies, and bleeding