When the Romans departed from the British Isles?
in 407 AD
_______ is acclaimed not only as “the father of English poetry” but also the father of English fiction.
Geoffrey Chaucer
The Medieval knight had to be loyal to __________
his lord
his lady
__________ was the son of a wealthy London wine merchant.
Geoffrey Chaucer
mehribonlik, iltifot, muruvvat, sahiylik
What happened in 597 AD?
Pope Gregory sent Saint Augustine to Britain
In _____ Geoffrey Chaucer was captured by the French at the siege of Reims during the Hundred Years' War while serving in English army
Each ______________ has four or five different scenes and acts.
Mystery play
Who experienced the vision of christ and healed from the serious illness?
Julian of Norwich
Sacred – ilohiy, muqaddas;
Gospel – aqida, e’tiqod
Years of the reign of King Alfred the Great
King Alfred the Great (871 -900)
As a Controller of Customs on Wools, Skins and Hides for the Port of London he met _______________.
he met many types of businessmen, sailors, travelers city folk and common laborers.
One of the most popular Miracle plays was about _____________
Saint George and dragon
What is the name of the first book in the English language written by a woman?
Revelation of Divine Love
Stanza – she’r bandi;
Quatrain – to‘rtlik;
Anchorite – tarki dunyo qilgan kishi
Some are in the forms of poetry and describe various battles, for example, (1)______________ and (2)____________
"The Battle of Maldon" and "The Battle of Brunanburh"
He met the rich, the influential and the upper middle class as well as the higher ranking church officials when he was working as a ________________
Representative of the Shire of Kent in Parliament
Sometimes ______________ had elaborate sets, sometimes had no sets at all. It didn't seem to matter.
Morality plays
What is the church's most sacred manuscripts and names of four Evangelists?
Gospel Book
Matthew, Mark, Luke and John
Nobleman - zodagon
Ploughman - yer haydovchi kishi
Outlaw - qochqin
Swordsman - qilichboz
What are two famous books that were translated in the period of the reign of King Alfred the Great.
The Pastor's Book
Baede 's Church History
In mid teens, where Geoffrey Chaucer obtained more education and be schooled in court and society life
in the service of the Countess of Ulster
Who was a great stylist, narrative poet and lived in 1325-1408?
John Gower
Domesday Book is a manuscript record of the "Great Survey" that conducted in where and when.
England and Wales, completed in 1086
500 points