Greek Alphabet
PM Contract/Attire
Meeting/Email Etiquette
Teaching Point/Creed
Guess that Active?

How many letters are in the Greek Alphabet?

24 Letters


How regulations are in the PM Contract?



How early should you arrive to the meetings?

10 - 15 minutes.

How many Sentences, Commas and Periods are in the Creed?

4 Sentences, 4 Commas, & 4 Periods. 


Who is this Active Member?

1) Class: Gamma 

2) Position: President of the Beta Alpha Chapter

3) Previous Position: National Liaison 

4) Biochemistry Major

Kevin Singh


In the greek alphabet, how many full and half tick marks are there in total?

39 Full, 26 Half 


What are 2 Professional Attire Men must wear?

  • Suit jacket or sports coat, long-sleeved shirt or short-sleeved polo, tie or bowtie, slacks or chinos, dress shoes 

  • If you wear a jacket or coat, you do not need to wear a tie 

  • If you are not wearing a jacket or coat, you must wear a tie

  • Your belt color must match your shoe color 

  • Hair should be well-kept and clean

  • Makeup, if worn, should be simple and neutral

  • Facial piercings should be limited to the earlobes, unless permitted by the employer or clinical location 

  • Necklaces, bracelets, watches, rings should be functionally appropriate, based on the workplace or clinical settings

  • Clothing colors can vary, but should be professionally appropriate 


In what order do you typically walk into the meeting? 

Alphabetical order based on first names


How many Teaching Points are there?



Who is this active member?

1.) Class: Zeta 

2.) Position: Director of Internal Affairs

3.) Previous Position: Conference Chair

4.) Biology Major, Cellular and Developmental Concentration

Julie Do


What is the 14th letter in the Greek Alphabet and how many full and half marks does it have?

Xi : 2 Full, 4 Half


What are 3 Professional Attire Women must wear?

  • Suit jacket or coat, long-sleeved shirt or blouse, tie or bowtie optional, slacks or skirt, dresses, dress shoes or heels (flats if appropriate for the workplace) 

  • Neckline should be appropriate and not too revealing 

  • Skirt length should fall to fingertips and preferably past the knees 

  • Hair should be well-kept and clean, tied up if long if required by the workplace

  • Makeup, if worn, should be simple and neutral

  • Facial piercings should be limited to the earlobes, unless permitted by the employer or clinical location 

  • Necklaces, bracelets, watches, rings should be functionally appropriate, based on the workplace or clinical settings

  • Clothing colors can vary, but should be professionally appropriate


What are 3 things to make sure to do before attending the meeting?

  • Ensure that audio/visual connection and other supplies are needed and ready

  • All phones and electronics must be shut off or silent and stowed away in backpacks or purses 

  • Professional wear is required for all Prospective Member Meetings and Rituals unless stated otherwise 


Say the entire Creed.

“I pledge my loyalty, my dedication, my friendship and support to my brothers and sisters of Delta Epsilon Mu. I promise to always be there for a brother or sister who needs me. I promise to uphold the goals and ideals that my forefounders set before me. I promise that whatever path in life I follow to always remember my fraternity, my family, my friends.”


Who is this Active Member?

1.) Class: Theta

2.) Position: Education Chair

3.) Biochemistry Major



What is the 19th letter in the Greek Alphabet and how many full and half marks does it have?

Tau : 1 Full, 2 Half


How many absences can a PM have through the entire process?

2 (Formal letter of absence & One excused absence)


When sending an email you should be aware of the business hour. What are the business hour times?

8:00 am - 10:00 pm 


What is the 3rd Teaching Point? Must Say Verbatim with Commas and Periods!

3) In fall 1995, Marianna Strakhan and Teri Broklawski formed a team with Debbie Amster and Ellen Hoffman to form the Fraternity foundation. 


Who is this Active Member?

1.) Class: Gamma

2.) Position: Vice President of the Beta Alpha Chapter

3.) Previous Position: Education Chair

4.) Biological Science, Cellular and Developmental Concentration

William Shin


How many tick marks are in the word "Beta Alpha". Include Fulls & Half marks !

B - 2 half

E - 1 Full / 2Half

T - 1 Full / 4half

A - 2 Full

A - 2 Full

L - 2 Full

P - 2 Full / 2 Half (Pi) or 2 Full (Phi/Psi) 

H - 4 Full

A - 2 Full

Total: 16 Full & 8 or 10 half


Name 5 rules a PM must follow throughout the process.

1) All activities that occur within the Prospective Member Process shall remain in organization.

2) Completely DRY

3) Required to attend all meeting held by DOP, and complete crossover ritual

4) All flames, candles, IMLTS must be completed by deadlines

5) No greek letters until active

6) Pin and binder

7) No DEM on resume until active

8) ⅔ actives vote to drop and return paraphernalia


Name 5 Email Etiquettes.

  • Ensure your email recipients are correct, using CC, and BCC appropriately 

  • Ensure you have an appropriate Subject Line 

  • Keep the body of your email succinct and easy to read 

  • Use a closing line, like “Best” or “Sincerely” 

  • Your email signature should include contact information and should be length-appropriate (i.e. position titles, quotes or disclaimers, etc.) 

  • Spell check and review your message for grammatical mistakes 

  • Avoid the use of all emoticons and emojis 

  • Keep text formatting (e.g. text colors, fonts, highlighting) to a minimum

  • Ensure that attachments are attached 

  • Consider business hours and appropriate amount of return or reply time 

  • Remember to follow the proper format when contacting Active Members


What is the 6th Teaching Point? Must Say Verbatim with Commas and Periods!

6) On May 3, 1996, the ratification of documents of the Fraternity were signed by all 36 founders. 


Who is this Active Member?

1.) Class: Gamma

2.) Position: N/A (Active)

3.) Previous Position: Historian

4.) Biological Science 

Jeanne Pummarachai