1st Estate, .5% of the population, did not pay taxes. Their elite were blood relatives of the nobility, Catholic.
Who were the clergy?
Actual violence and rebellion of the Revolution began with the storming of this medieval Parisian prison that had held both political prisoners, but most importantly, on July 14th, 1789, it held gunpowder.
What is the Bastille Prison?
This was the name given to Haiti by the French.
What was Saint Domingue?
Napoleon was originally from this island off of the coast of Italy, and when he was very young it was taken over by the French from Genoa.
What is Corsica?
Militarily, Napoleon was loved and highly respected by these people, far more so than other generals. This had to do with his leadership, more humble background, and properly paying and feeding them.
Who were his troops?
2nd Estate, 5% of the population, paid little in taxes, had special privileges by law, and greater representation and a huge share of wealth.
Who were the 2nd Estate?
Initially, the French Revolution called for the government to be one of these, like the UK, King Louis XVI and Queen Marie Antoinette pretended to go along with it.
What is a constitutional/limited/parliamentary monarchy?
These people were at the top of the hierarchy in Saint Domingue, and would be the first to die in the Haitian Revolution.
Who were the Grand Blancs, the plantation owners, white people directly descended from France.
Napoleon built his military career through this specialized division of the army, one that was super important but looked down upon by officers from the aristocracy as beneath them.
What is artillery?
This was how Napoleon came to power to lead the French government.
What was a coup d'état?
This was the family name/line of King Louis XVI.
Who were the Bourbon Monarchy?
This was the frequently used instrument to execute enemies of the Revolution.
What is the guillotine?
This was the average time an enslaved person would survive the brutal conditions of the coffee and sugar plantations in Saint Domingue.
What was 3 years?
Napoleon's very politically connected first wife, he needed her connections to the revolutionary government after the Reign of Terror. Her husband was executed in the Reign of Terror, and she had been jailed.
Who was Josephine?
There were multiple attempts to do this to Napoleon, but they were unsuccessful.
What is to assassinate him?
When the Estates General was called to meet in 1789, this was done to the members of the 3rd Estate, so they, along with some 1st and 2nd Estate members did this.
What is began the Revolution, declared a new government and wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Man?
This is what happened during the Reign of Terror to Olympe de Gouges after she wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Women.
What was she was accused of treason and executed by guillotine.
He trained Haitian revolutionaries and fought to lead the Haitian Revolution. He had been enslaved, bought his freedom, and actually owned a plantation and enslaved people. He died in a French prison.
Who was Toussaint Louverture?
Napoleon's first foreign military campaign was here, against this empire.
What is Northern Italy and the Austrian (Hapsburg) Empire?
The majority of the French people were supportive of Napoleon as "consul for life" and later emperor because he brought this back to their country (for a while anyway).
Due to poor harvests, unequal distribution and inflated prices, this food staple had become completely unaffordable for the average French person leading up to the revolution. But Marie Antoinette never told them to eat cake when she learned of the shortages and potential famine of her people.
What is bread?
These people from southwestern France were more traditional, had better relations with their nobility, weren't starving, were deeply Catholic, and therefore fought against the Revolutionary (Republican) forces when they tried to draft their men into the military and destroy their churches, and murder their religious leaders. When they lost, the revolutionary government went about exterminating the people of this region. Many in France consider this a genocide within the revolution.
Who were the people of the Vendee?
Haiti had to pay these, also called debts after they won their revolution to France.
What are indemnities?
When Napoleon became the Emperor of France, this was who crowned him.
Who was Napoleon?
The Napoleonic Law codes took away almost all rights to these French people.
Who were women?
Marie Antoinette was from this family and country, and was arranged in marriage to Louis XVI as part of a newly formed alliance, for generations in the past, there had been conflict amongst the neighboring kingdoms.
Who were the Austrian Hapsburgs?
What was Austria?
These two countries are where the banks were owned and located that owned the very high interest loans that Haiti was forced to agree to (by French gunboats in 1825).
Where are France and The United States?
Napoleon's failures in the Egyptian campaign were not reported due to his use of this technique, spinning the truth ahead of the truth.
What is propaganda?
These two empires united to fight against Napoleon in Egypt.
Who were the British and the Ottoman Empires?