British were obssesed with this naturaly occuring stone in South Africa.
What are diamonds?
Autocratic family of czars in Russia.
What is the Romanov family?
Ethnicity of the Qing Dynasty.
What was Manchurian?
The Industial Revolution begins on this small island in the Atlantic.
What is England/Britian?
Predominate economic theory of the Industrial Revolution in which governments stayed out of the economy.
What is Capitalism?
What is the Berlin Conference?
Coerced labor system used in Russia until 1861.
What is serfdom?
Sign of submission to the Qing worn by all of the Chinese.
What is the queue?
The Industrial Revolution led to an increased need for these among industrializing nations.
What are raw materials?
Economic system in which the state controls the factors of production of land, labor, and capital?
What is Socialism?
This country came under sole ownership of the Congo and all its white liquid.
Who is Belgium?
Russia's intercontinental railroad that connected the western and eastern empire.
What is the trans-Siberian Railroad?
Failed attempt to industrialize China from within.
What is the Self-Strengthening Movement?
This fossil fuel was the energy source of the Industrial Revolution
What is coal?
Economic system in which the proletariat will rise against the bourgeoise to create a classless society.
What is communism or Marxism.
This evolutionary ideology applied to humans was the driving belief of imperialism.
What is Social Darwinsim?
Religious theory that legitimized the Russian czar's claim to the throne, even into the early 20th century.
What is the divine right of kings?
Civil War in China in the 1850s that was a war to eliminate the Qing.
What is the Taiping Rebellion?
Nations could industrialize if they had land, labor, and capital or (_______________).
What are the Means of Production?
Governments outlawed these in the 19th century, favoring business over worker in the regulation of industries.
What are Labor Unions?
This attempted coup over the British in 1857 was staged due to cultural and social misunderstsandings in South Asia.
What is the Sepoy Rebellion?
The loss in this war in 1904, stopped Russia's expansion toward the Pacific.
What was the Russo-Japanese War?
Failed 1901 war in China to rid it of the British and other European influence.
What was the Boxer Rebellion?
The industrial revolution led to the formation of these societal and economic rankings.
What are classes?
Permanent move of a group of people from one region to another, often to follow a job.
What is a migration?