Parts of Speech
Cause & Effect
Context Clues
Main Idea
Story Elements

A person, place, thing, animal, or idea is called a ____.


Mrs. Mason really needed to study for Friday's test. She decided to go play soccer on Thursday night instead of studying. She made a bad grade on her test. 

Effect: Mrs. Mason made a bad grade

What was the cause? 

Mrs. Mason did not study. 


I wanted to visit Mrs. Vice so I hopped in the car and ____ to her house. We hung out all afternoon!

a. ran 

b. drove

c. crossed

b. drove


The rainforest is home to many animals. Monkeys, toucans, and tree frogs live in the rainforest. Rainforests are very rich in animal life. Almost half of the world's animal species live in rainforests. Parrots, jaguars, and anteaters also live in the rainforest. Insects can be found almost anywhere in the rainforest.

What is the main idea of this passage?

The rainforest is home to many animals. 


The people or animals in a story are called the ____.



An action word is called a ____.



Mrs. Dontell lives on the tenth floor of a big apartment building. Yesterday, she decided to climb up all of the stairs instead of taking the elevator. She was very tired when she got home.

Cause: Mrs. Dontell took the stairs

What was the effect? 

She was tired when she got home.


Mrs. Mason and Mrs. Dontell had a race. They both ran very quickly, but Mrs. Dontell ____ first. Mrs. Mason said, "you win!" 

a. began 

b. fell 

c. finished

c. finished


On the weekends, Jack helps his friend cut the grass. He also helps him wash the cars. During the week, Jack helps his friend with chores around the house. He folds the clothes while his friend does the dishes. Jack enjoys helping his friend!

What is the main idea of this passage?

Jack likes to help his friend. 


The time and the place of the story is called the ____.



A word that describes a noun is called an ____.



Mrs. Vice did not want to go to the dentist. She was afraid that Dr. Yurman would hurt her. She worried all the way to the office. But after all that, it didn't hurt at all. 

Effect: Mrs. Vice worried all the way to the office. 

What was the cause? 

She was afraid of the dentist.


Mrs. Estabrook was in a hurry this morning! She had a very small breakfast and did not eat much for lunch. Tonight, she will eat a big ____.

a. breakfast 

b. dinner 

c. lunch

b. dinner


Sarah is a great soccer player. She practices every day after school. She plays for her school soccer team. So far this year, Sarah has scored six goals! She can kick the ball very far. She can also fun very fast. Everything thinks that Sarah is the best soccer player in school. 

What is the main idea of this passage?

Sarah is a great soccer player. 


The person who writes the story is called the ____ and the person who draws the pictures for the story is called the ____.

author, illustrator


A word that describes a verb is called an ____.



Mrs. Deacon and Mrs. Futch decided to go to the beach. "We'll go to the beach," said Mrs. Deacon. "The beach is nice in the autumn. It's cool, so there won't be many people there. It won't be crowded at all." 

Cause: The weather is cool. 

What is the Effect? 

There won't be many people at the beach.


There are so many people in the city who sell things. Some merchants sell food. Some sell clothes. Mrs. Deacon likes the merchants who sell sunglasses best.

 What is a merchant? 

a. people who sell things 

b. people who buy things 

c. people who throw things

a. people who sell things


Cats are popular house pets. Cats come in a variety of colors. Some cats have long hair and some have short hair. There are cats that have no tails. Cats can have eyes of many different colors. A cat can be solid color, more than one color, or striped. 

What is the main idea of this passage?

There are many different types of cats. 


The sequence of events that happen in the story is called the ____.



Identify the nouns in this sentence:

The fuzzy cat climbed up the large wall. 

cat, wall

Mrs. Estabrook walked quickly down the dark street. It was quiet. Suddenly, a dog howled. Mrs. Estabrook walked even faster after that. 

Cause: A dog howled. 

What was the effect? 

Mrs. Estabrook walked even faster.


The light turned red and the cars halted. The people crossed the street. The light turned green. All the cars started to move again. 

What does the word halted mean? 

a. started 

b. stopped 

c. moved quickly

b. stopped


Penguins are interesting birds. They are flightless, which means that they cannot fly. They spend half of their time on land and half of their time in water. They can swim 20 miles per hour! There are all kinds of interesting things to know about penguins. 

What is the main idea of this passage?

Penguins are interesting birds. 


The message that is in the story or the underlying meaning is called the ____.

