The persistence of learning over time.
The capacity of our Long Term Memory is...
essentially limitless.
If you miss a question on the test because you were on your phone when we went over it in class, you are experiencing this type of forgetting.
encoding failure
Involves the mental processes involved with thinking, remembering, problem-solving, and communicating.
In the word Steelman, the "S" is a...
The number of items that our STM can hold.
How do stress hormones affect our memories?
They focus our memories, make it easier for us to recall later.
Research participants that were asked how fast vehicles were going when they smashed into each other were more likely to falsely remember glass at the scene. This is due to...
the misinformation effect
The gut instinct we have is automatic. This is our...
Identify 2 of the components of creativity.
expertise, imagination, venturesome personality, intrinsic motivation, creative environment
Bonus: Divergent Thinking
A type of effortful processing strategy where you organize an outline of ideas with a larger framework and different levels of subtopics.
hierarchy / hierarchical organization
The Serial Position Effect demonstrates that we are better able to recall...
the last items (recency) and the first items (primacy) on a list
This type of amnesia is when you can't remember anything from your past / before the accident or illness.
Retrograde Amnesia
When you're lost on your college road trip, you try to find the correct route by calling your parents and asking for help. This is an example of what problem solving strategy?
Heuristic (mental shortcut)
Grammar includes two main rules. These are...
Semantics and Syntax
Remembering well-known skill like how to ride a bike is a(n) __________ memory processed with __________ processing.
implicit / procedural memory, automatic
The hippocampus is responsible for memory consolidation of what kinds of memory?
Explicit Memories (episodic and semantic)
What does modern research suggest concerning the occurrence of repression?
Repression is thought to be rare, if it happens at all.
This is the term for the modern idea of how thinking and language are related.
Linguistic Influence
JFost is telling you about her cat, but you're not really paying attention. She pauses so you are worried she asked you a question, so you say, "what did you say?" Two seconds later you realize what she said. In this example, you relied on your....
echoic memory
Information studied while you are caffeinated will be best remembered when you are...
caffeinated (state-dependent memory)
JFost runs into one of her former students at the airport, who graduated in 2018. She accidentally calls the student the name of her younger sister, who JFost currently has in class. What type of memory interference is JFost experiencing?
Retroactive Interference
JFost's uncle Joe keeps sharing Flat Earther conspiracy videos on Facebook. Uncle Joe is experiencing...
belief perseverance
Genie was severely abused in her childhood and ultimately never mastered a language. This served as evidence for what language-related hypothesis?
Critical period