It should be with!
Student reads:
Cal is at the shop.
Teacher asks:
What do you think Cal will get?
Anything you can buy at a shop!
Tell me why you spell boss with a bonus s?
It has a short vowel sound and one syllable.
Is that mud on his hat?
Is that mud on his hat?
Student reads:
Should I get the mop for this mess?
Teacher asks:
Does this sentences take place inside or outside?
It's missing the letter d. It should be spelled "sand".
The cat got the rat and bit him.
The cat got the rat and bit him.
It should be buzz!
Student reads:
A tan duck ran to sit on the dock.
Teacher asks:
What is a dock?
a structure on the edge of water where boats can moor (or park to get on or off the water)
Tell me why this is not how you spell the opposite of sit:
Stand is spelled with a d.
Russ gets a hot dog and Jill has a sub.
Russ gets a hot dog and Jill has a sub.
It should be ball!
Student reads:
Rick checks on one of the chicks in the pen.
Teacher asks:
Where do you think Rick works?
a farm
Why do you spell misses with -es?
The base word ends with ss, which means it needs the suffix -es.
You are not the boss of me and I will quit if you yell or pick on me!
You are not the boss of me and I will quit if you yell or pick on me!
It should be shushes!
Student reads:
When Sam does not sell lots of hot dogs from his van, he does not get much cash.
Teacher asks:
How do you think this makes Sam feel?
disappointed or upset
Hint: one is for nouns, one is for verbs
For nouns, these suffixes make the base word plural. For verbs, these suffixes make the verb happen right now.
If Max lacks cash, how shall Max have fun at the mall?
If Max lacks cash, how shall Max have fun at the mall?