Bing! Bang! Bongo!
Context Clues
Inferences and Conclusions
This root word means equal or fair.
What is equ/equi?
The proper "English" term for the Bing, Bang, and Bongo.
What is the thesis statement?
The type of context clue given in the following sentence, "The word swagger, which was first recorded in Shakespeare's 'Midsummer Night's Dream,' means to to walk or behave in an arrogant manner."
What is DRS?
The "S" in SPRINTS Stands for this word.
What is scan?
The difference between a fact and an inference.
What is a fact is "Right there!" and an inference is a logical guess/assumption/judgement based off of the facts.
The PSR words that would combine to mean "among the moon."
What is inter and luna?
The colors-in order-of the Bing, Bang, and Bongo.
What is red, yellow and green?
The type of context clue given in the following sentence, "There are many types of acronyms used in texting. For example, OMG, LOL, and BRB are commonly used."
What is example?
These are what you are supposed to scan for during the first part of the SPRINTS strategy.
What are text features?
A clear inference that can be made from the following sentence, "Mrs. Barry locks her keys in the car about once every three months. She has to write down appointments in her calendar, and she creates a lot of voice memos."
What is Mrs. Barry is forgetful?
The definition of the made up word created by the prefix in-, the root sens, and the suffix -ian.
What is a person who does not feel.
Due to the structure of a paragraph, it could be compared to this yummy item.
What is a hamburger?
The type of context clue given in the following sentence, "Because of the woman's pulchritude, many people loved to gaze into her big, bright eyes."
What is cause and effect?
The "P" stands for these two words.
What are predict and purpose?
One inference that can be made using the text from the following picture.
What is the Bogey Man is scared of Chuck Norris?
The definition of the made up word uninavette.
What is one, small ship?
These two paragraphs of the 5 paragraph essay are extremely similar in content.
What is the introduction and conclusion?
The type of context clue given in the following sentence, "Like foreign languages, alien foods, clothing, and customs take getting used to."
What is comparison?
One of the two reasons why we listened to the audio of the text we read.
What is to use as a model? OR What is to help people with different learning modalities?
3 facts that can be made from the following picture.
What is the man is wearing blue/he has a beard/he has brown eyes/hair...
The definition of the made up word malaudion.
What is the state/quality/act/process of bad hearing.
The thesis statement tells the reader this.
What is exactly what the paper is going to be about?
The type of context clue given in the following sentence, "Although the time in a dentist’s chair is brief, it can feel like several hours."
What is contrast?
Two of the three ways we Identify unfamiliar words.
What are glossary-dictionary/PSR words/context clues?
Two facts and two inferences based off of the following story: Little Johnny loves to watch cartoons on Saturday mornings. He wakes up, brushes his teeth, and asks his mom to make him cereal. After he watches cartoons, his mom gives him a bath, and then they spend the afternoon with other children at the park.
F: Johnny likes cartoons. He took a bath. He went to the park... I: Johnny is a young child. Johnny has a loving mother. Johnny has friends...