Scientific Method/Inquiry
Forces and Motion

A famous scientist has a hypothesis that is different from the current scientific theory. What should happen to this scientist's hypothesis?

A. The hypothesis should be rejected if it does not agree with the current theory.

B. People can accept the hypothesis if they want, but others can choose to reject it.

C. If the scientist is famous, then the hypothesis should be accepted and the theory should be changed.

D. The hypothesis should be tested and the results should be used to determine if the theory should change.

D. The hypothesis should be tested and the results should be used to determine if the theory should


Which of the following is the best example of kinetic energy being transformed into potential energy?

A. rocks sliding down a mountainside

B. wind pushing a sailboat through the water

C. a motorboat pulling a water skier across a lake

D. water flowing into a reservoir (lake) behind a dam

D. water flowing into a reservoir (lake) behind a dam


Gordon is making a list of forces for his science class. Which of the following should Gordon not list as a force?

  1. mass
  2. gravity
  3. friction
  4. a push or pull

A. mass


How does the law of conservation of energy apply to the changes in potential and kinetic energy of a pencil as it falls to the floor?

A. Potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.

B. Kinetic energy is converted into potential energy.

C. Kinetic energy is created as potential energy is destroyed.

D. Potential energy is created as potential energy is destroyed.

A. Potential energy is converted into kinetic energy.


A skateboard sits motionless at the top of a ramp. What will happen to the skateboard if a balanced force acts upon it?

A. It will roll forward down the ramp.

B. It will roll backward down the ramp.

C. It will fall off the ramp.

D. It will stay in place.

D. It will stay in place.


You are testing how well different dish soaps clean grease.  What is the independent (test) variable in you experiment?

A. Dishes

B. Water

C. Types of dish soap

D. Types of grease

C. Types of dish soap


Cheryl picked up a rubber band. What should she do to it to give it the most potential energy?

A. put it out in the Sun

B. let it blow in the wind

C. hold it stretched out

D. wad it into a tight ball

C. hold it stretched out


Luis rubbed a balloon on his hair and held the balloon next to the wall. He observed the balloon stick to the wall. Which of the following is responsible for the balloon sticking to the wall?

A. friction

B. gravity

C. electric force

D. magnetic force

C. electric force


A skier uses a pair of poles to push himself down a ski slope. Which of the following correctly states when the skier has the most potential energy?

A. when the skier is at the top of the ski slope

B. when the skier starts to travel down the slope

C. when the skier reaches the bottom of the slope

D. when the skier comes to a complete stop at the bottom of the slope

A. when the skier is at the top of the ski slope


Adam is studying forces in the lab. If he applies an unbalanced force to an object, what could happen?

A. Only the object's speed can change.

B. Only the object's direction can change.

C. The object's speed, direction, or both can change.

D. Neither the object's speed nor direction can change.

C. The object's speed, direction, or both can change.


Which phrase best describes a hypothesis?

A. Performing a controlled experiment

B. Testing a factor, or variable, in an experiment

C. Reviewing information related to the problem

D. Suggesting a solution to a problem after studying it carefully

D. Suggesting a solution to a problem after studying it carefully


What does the law of conservation of energy state?

A. That energy cannot be created or destroyed

B. That energy cannot be transformed from one form to another

C. That energy can be created or destroyed only during energy transformations

D. That one form of energy cannot be transformed into two other forms at the same time

A. That energy cannot be created or destroyed


Gravity is a force that every mass exerts on every other mass. When you jump up in the air, not only does the Earth exert a gravitational force on you, but you also exert a gravitational force on the Earth. You, of course, fall back down to the Earth. Which of the following best explains why the Earth is not moving toward you when you jump up in the air?

A. Earth exerts a gravitational force on itself.

B. You don't weigh enough to affect Earth's surface.

C. Your mass is very small compared to Earth's mass.

D. Earth's fixed orbit around the Sun keeps it from moving.

C. Your mass is very small compared to Earth's mass.


Which statement describes a difference between an object’s kinetic energy and its potential energy?

A. An objects kinetic energy depends on its mass while its potential energy does not

B. An objects kinetic energy depends on its speed while its potential energy does not

C. An objects kinetic energy depends on its planets gravity while its potential energy does not

D. An objects kinetic energy depends on its height above the ground while its potential energy does not

B. An objects kinetic energy depends on its speed while its potential energy does not


Sarah has a 3-kilogram block and a 5-kilogram block. When would a block's gravitational force on Sarah be strongest?

A. when she stands one meter away from the 3-kilogram block

B. when she stands one meter away from the 5-kilogram block

C. when she stands five meters away from the 3-kilogram block

D. when she stands five meters away from the 5-kilogram block

B. when she stands one meter away from the 5-kilogram block


How many variables should be allowed to change in a well-designed, controlled experiment?

A. None

B. 1

C. 2 or more

D. Depends on the type of experiment

B. 1


Which of the following equations defines the law of conservation of energy?

A. total energy = kinetic energy - potential energy

B. total energy = potential energy - kinetic energy

C. total energy = kinetic energy + potential energy

D. total energy = kinetic energy x potential energy

C. total energy = kinetic energy + potential energy


Which of the following is true when comparing societal laws to scientific laws?

A. Scientific laws are valid all over the world, while societal laws differ from region to region.

B. Both scientific laws and societal laws carry severe legal consequence for breaking the laws.

C. Both scientific laws and societal laws are accepted after qualified professionals vote on them.

D. Societal laws are based on numerous experiments, while scientific laws are accepted only by the votes of well-known scientists.

A. Scientific laws are valid all over the world, while societal laws differ from region to region.


The Law of Conservation of Energy is:

A. Energy that is not created nor destroyed, it is transformed from one form to another

B. Energy an object has based on its motion, depends on speed and mass

C. Energy that results from the position or shape of an object, has the potential to create change or cause motion

A. Energy that is not created nor destroyed, it is transformed from one form to another


Paula pushes a skateboard and it gradually slows to a stop. Why does the skateboard come to a stop?

A. Gravity alone stops the skateboard.

B. Friction and gravity slow the skateboard.

C. The skateboard has positive acceleration.

D. Paula did not push the skateboard with enough force.

B. Friction and gravity slow the skateboard.


A scientist conducts many observations and experiments, and in the process, he discovers new information. However, the new information does not support the current scientific theory. What should happen to the newly discovered information?

A. The new information should be thrown out because it does not fit.

B. The scientist must be wrong, so his experiments should be repeated.

C. The theory should be changed to consider the newly discovered information.

D. The scientist should try to make his information agree with the current theory.

C. The theory should be changed to consider the newly discovered information.


Which best describes the change in energy in the image?

A. Some of the kinetic energy becomes potential energy and then some of the potential energy becomes kinetic energy

B. Some of the kinetic energy becomes potential energy and then all of the potential energy becomes kinetic energy.

C. All of the kinetic energy becomes potential energy and then some of the potential energy becomes kinetic energy.

D. All of the kinetic energy becomes potential energy and then all of the potential energy becomes kinetic energy.

C. All of the kinetic energy becomes potential energy and then some of the potential energy becomes kinetic energy.


Which situation would produce the largest gravitational force between two objects?

A. a 100-gram mass and a 500-gram mass that are 1 meter apart

B. a 100-gram mass and a 1000-gram mass that are 1 meter apart

C. a 100-gram mass and a 500-gram mass that are 0.5 meter apart

D. a 100-gram mass and a 1000-gram mass that are 0.5 meter apart.

D. a 100-gram mass and a 1000-gram mass that are 0.5 meter apart.


What does Kinetic energy depend on?

What does Potential energy depend on?

Kinetic energy depends on mass and speed.

Potential energy depends on mass and height. 


What happens when the forces applied to an object at rest produce a net force of zero?

A. The object will remain at rest

B. The object will have positive acceleration.

C. The object will have negative acceleration.

D. The object will change its direction of motion.

A. The object will remain at rest
